§ 8.22.150. General remedies.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Violations of this Chapter.


    Violations of Orders or Decisions. Failure of a party to abide by an order or decision of a Hearing Officer and/or the Board shall be deemed a violation of this Chapter and shall be punishable administratively or by civil remedies unless otherwise provided in this Chapter.


    Violations of this Chapter. Violations of this Chapter may be enforced administratively or by civil remedies as set forth in this section or as otherwise specifically set out in this Chapter.


    In addition to the remedies provided in this Chapter, a violator is liable for such costs, expenses, and disbursements paid or incurred by the city in abatement and prosecution of the violation.


    The remedies available in this Chapter are not exclusive and may be used cumulatively with any other remedies in this Chapter or at law.


    Remedies for violations of Section 8.22.080 are set out in that section.


    General Administrative Remedies.


    Administrative Citation. Anyone who violates specified provisions of this Chapter may be issued an administrative citation. Administrative citations shall be issued in accordance with O.M.C Chapter 1.12 (Administrative Citations). The specified sections of this Chapter that may be enforced by administrative citation shall be set out in the regulations.


    Administrative Assessment of Civil Penalties. Anyone who violates specified provisions of this Chapter may be administratively assessed a civil penalty. Civil penalties for violations are assessed in accordance with O.M.C Chapter 1.08 (Administrative Assessment of Civil Penalties) as a major violation under that Chapter 1.08. Specified sections of this Chapter that may be enforced with civil penalties shall be set out in the regulations.


    The City Manager shall designate staff authorized to issue administrative citation and civil penalties.


    Each and every day or any portion of a day during which a violation of any provision of this Chapter is committed, continued, or permitted is a separate violation and shall be punishable accordingly.


    General Civil Remedies. An aggrieved party or the City Attorney, on behalf of such party, may bring a civil action for injunctive relief or damages, or both, for any violation of the provisions of this Chapter or an order or decision issued by a Hearing Officer or the Board.

(Ord. 12538 § 1 (part), 2003; Ord. 12399 (part), 2002)