§ 8.22.340. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • "Landlord" means an owner of record, or lessor or sublessor of an owner of record, or any other person or entity entitled either to receive rent for the use or occupancy of any rental unit or to maintain an action for possession of a rental unit, or an agent, representative, or successor of any of the foregoing.

    "Owner of Record" means a natural person, who is an owner of record holding an interest equal to or greater than thirty-three percent (33%) in the property at the time of giving a notice terminating tenancy and at all times thereafter, until and including the earlier of the tenant's surrender of possession of the premises or the execution of a writ of possession pursuant to the judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction; but not including any lessor, sublessor, or agent of the owner of record.

    "Rent" means the consideration, including any deposit, bonus, benefit, or gratuity demanded or received for, or in connection with, the use or occupancy of rental units and housing services. Such consideration shall include, but not be limited to, moneys and fair value of goods or services rendered to or for the benefit of the landlord under the rental agreement, or in exchange for a rental unit or housing services of any kind.

    "Rent Board" means city of Oakland Housing, Residential Rent, and Relocation Board (HRRRB), aka Residential Rent Arbitration Board (RRAB), aka Rent Arbitration Board, aka Oakland Rent Board, aka Rent Board, established under Ordinance No. 9980 and subsequent amendments.

    "Rental Agreement" means an agreement, oral, written, or implied, between a landlord and a tenant for the use and/or occupancy of a rental unit.

    "Rental Unit" (aka Unit, aka Premises) means any unit in any real property, regardless of zoning status, including the land appurtenant thereto, that is rented or available for rent for residential use or occupancy (regardless of whether the unit is also used for other purposes), together with all housing services connected with use or occupancy of such property, such as common areas and recreational facilities held out for use by the tenant.

    "Property" means a parcel of real property, located in the city of Oakland, that is assessed and taxed as an undivided whole.

    "Tenant" means any renter, tenant, subtenant, lessee, or sublessee of a rental unit, or any group of renters, tenants, subtenants, lessees, sublessees of a rental unit, or any other person entitled to the use or occupancy of such rental unit, or any successor of any of the foregoing.

    "Skilled Nursing Facility" means a health facility or a distinct part of a hospital that provides, at a minimum, skilled nursing care and supportive care to patients whose primary medical need is the availability of skilled nursing care on an extended basis. Such facility must provide twenty-four (24) hour inpatient care, an activity program, and medical, nursing, dietary, pharmaceutical services. Additionally, the facility must provide effective arrangements, confirmed in writing, through which services required by the patients but not regularly provided within the facility can be obtained promptly when needed.

    "Health Facility" means any facility, place or building that is organized, maintained, and operated for the diagnosis, care, and treatment of human illness, physical or mental, including convalescence and rehabilitation, and including care during and after pregnancy, or for any one or more of these purposes.

    "Maximum Lawful Rent" means the maximum rent which may lawfully be charged for such unit under the terms of the Oakland Residential Rent Arbitration Ordinance or successor ordinances intended to limit or regulate rent charged for residential rental units within the city of Oakland.

    "Business Tax Declaration" means the annual declaration required to be filed in connection with a landlord's obtaining or renewing a city business license for rental units. Any failure by a landlord to file such a declaration, whether pursuant to an exemption or otherwise, shall not relieve a rental unit from being subject to the provisions of this Chapter.

    "Child/Parent" means a child/parent relationship is one in which a child is either a parent's biological child or adopted child, provided that such relationship was established prior to the child's eighteenth birthday and at least one year prior to the attempted eviction. At the time of attempted eviction, a child of an owner of record must be over the age of eighteen (18) or be emancipated.

    "Tenants' Rights Organization" means any unincorporated tenant's association, incorporated tenants association, nonprofit housing and/or tenant's rights entity of any form.

(Ord. 12537 § 1 (part), 2003)