§ 8.22.350. Applicability and Exemptions.  

Latest version.
  • The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to all rental units in whole or in part, including where a notice to vacate/quit any such rental unit has been served as of the effective date of this Chapter but where any such rental unit has not yet been vacated or an unlawful detainer judgment has not been issued as of the effective date of this Chapter. However, Section 6 [8.22.360] and Section 7(A)-(E) [8.22.370(A) through 8.22.370(E)] of the chapter [O.M.C. Chapter 8.22, Article II] shall not apply to the following types of rental units:


    Rental units exempted from Part 4, Title 4, Chapter 2 of the California Civil Code (CCC) by CCC § 1940(b).


    Rental units in any hospital, skilled nursing facility, or health facility.


    Rental units in a nonprofit facility that has the primary purpose of providing short term treatment, assistance, or therapy for alcohol, drug, or other substance abuse and the housing is provided incident to the recovery program, and where the client has been informed in writing of the temporary or transitional nature of the housing at its inception.


    Rental units in a nonprofit facility which provides a structured living environment that has the primary purpose of helping homeless persons obtain the skills necessary for independent living in permanent housing and where occupancy is restricted to a limited and specific period of time of not more than twenty-four (24) months and where the client has been informed in writing of the temporary or transitional nature of the housing at its inception.


    Rental units in a residential property where the owner of record occupies a unit in the same property as his or her principal residence and regularly shares in the use of kitchen or bath facilities with the tenants of such rental units. For purposes of this Section, the term owner of record shall not include any person who claims a homeowner's property tax exemption on any other real property in the State of California.




    A unit that is held in trust on behalf of a developmentally disabled individual who permanently occupies the unit, or a unit that is permanently occupied by a developmentally disabled parent, sibling, child, or grandparent of the owner of that unit.




    A rental unit or rental units contained in a building that has a certificate of occupancy for the new construction of the unit or building in which the rental unit(s) is contained is issued on or after December 31, 1995.


    This exemption applies only to rental units that were newly constructed from the ground up and does not apply to units that were created as a result of rehabilitation, improvement or conversion of commercial space, or other residential rental space.


    If no certificate of occupancy was issued for the rental unit or building, in lieu of the date a certificate of occupancy, the date the last permit for the new construction was finalized prior to occupancy shall be used.

(Res. No. 87325, § 1, 7-24-2018; Res. No. 86320, § 2, 7-19-2016; Ord. 12537 § 1 (part), 2003)