§ 8.22.440. Effective date of withdrawal for units occupied by elderly or disabled tenants.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    If a tenant is elderly or disabled, and has lived in the rental unit for at least one year prior to the date of delivery to the Rent Adjustment Program of the Withdrawal Notices required by Section 8.22.430A, then the date of withdrawal of the rental unit occupied by that tenant shall be extended to one year from the date of delivery of the Withdrawal Notices, provided the tenant gives written notice of his or her entitlement to an extension to the owner within sixty (60) days of the date of delivery to the Rent Adjustment Program of the Withdrawal Documents.


    In the event the tenant provides such notice to the owner, the following provisions shall apply:


    The tenancy shall be continued on the same terms and conditions as existed on the date of delivery of the Withdrawal Notices to the Rent Adjustment Program, subject to any CPI Rent Adjustments otherwise available;


    No party shall be relieved of the duty to perform any obligation under the lease or rental agreement;


    Within thirty (30) days of the notification by the tenant to the owner of his or her entitlement to an extension, the owner shall give written notice to the Rent Adjustment Program of the claim that the tenant or lessee is entitled to stay in his or her rental unit for one year after the date of delivery to the withdrawal documents.


    Within fifteen (15) days after notification by a tenant that the tenant claims status as elderly or disabled, an owner who, reasonably and in good faith, believes that a tenant does not meet the requirements of this O.M.C. Article 8.22.400 as being elderly or disabled may request the tenant provide information demonstrating the tenant is elderly or disabled. The owner may not request nor should the tenant provide any information demonstrating age or disability that is considered confidential by any local, state, or federal law. The tenant must respond to the request for information within thirty (30) days. The owner must keep the documents submitted by the tenant confidential unless there are litigation or administrative proceedings regarding the tenant's eligibility for elderly or disabled status or the relocation payments or the documents must be produced in response to a subpoena or court order, in which case the tenant may seek an order from the court or administrative body to keep the documents confidential.


    The owner may elect to extend the date of withdrawal on any other rental unit within the same building up to one year after the date of delivery of the Withdrawal Notices to the Rent Adjustment Program, subject to Subsection 8.22.440 (B).


    Within ninety (90) days of the date of delivery of the Withdrawal Notices to the Rent Adjustment Program, the owner must give written notice to the Rent Adjustment Program and the affected tenant(s) or lessee(s) of the owner's election to extend the date of withdrawal and the new date of withdrawal under Section 8.22.440 (E).

(Ord. 12539 § 1 (part), 2003)