§ 8.22.480. Miscellaneous.

Latest version.
  • A.

    Compliance with Other Laws. This O.M.C. Article 8.22.400 shall in no respect relieve an owner from complying with the requirements of any applicable state law or of any lease or rental agreement.


    Notices to Owners by Tenant. Any notices sent by a tenant to an owner is deemed effective if sent or delivered to the owner in the manner prescribed in this Article III at the location or address where the tenant paid rent to the owner unless the owner notifies the tenant in the manner owners are required to notify tenants in this section to send such notices to another address at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of such address or location change.


    Regulations and Forms. The Rent Board has the authority to make such regulations to implement this O.M.C. Article 8.22.400 as are not inconsistent with this section or with Government Code § 7060, et seq. The Rent Adjustment Program shall develop forms to implement this section. Any changes to the initial forms shall be effective thirty (30) days after they are made available to the public at the Rent Adjustment Program offices, unless the Rent Adjustment Program makes a finding that an earlier effective date is necessary.


    Severability. This O.M.C. Chapter 8.22, Article III shall be liberally construed to achieve its purposes and preserve its validity. If any provision or clause of this Chapter or application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this O.M.C. Chapter 8.22, Article III which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application; and to this end the provisions of this Chapter are declared to be severable and are intended to have independent validity.


    Non-waiverability. Any provision, whether oral or written, in or pertaining to a rental agreement whereby any provision of this O.M.C. Article 8.22.400 is waived or modified, is against public policy and void.


    Effective Date.


    The ordinance codified in this O.M.C. Article 8.22.400 takes effect pursuant to Section 216 of the Oakland City Charter.


    This O.M.C. Article 8.22.400 applies to all terminations of tenancy based on Measure EE subsection (6)(A)(11) (Ellis Act evictions) that commenced before the effective date of this ordinance, but where the notice period for the termination ref tenancy has not expired.


    Sections 8.22.400 through 8.22.420, 8.22.460 and 8.22.480 apply to all withdrawn units where the termination of tenancy based on Measure EE subsection (6)(A)(11) (Ellis Act) expired or the tenant vacated prior to the effective date of Section 8.22.400. In order for a tenant to be eligible to receive an offer to re-rent the Withdrawn Unit, the tenant must provide an address to the owner within thirty (30) days after the enactment of this section. The rent adjustment program is authorized to record a notice in accordance with subsection 8.22.460(F)(2) for all units where the rent adjustment program receives notice that the units were withdrawn in accordance with Measure EE subsection (6)(A)(11).

(Ord. 12539 § 1 (part), 2003)