§ 8.22.630. Applicability and exemptions.  

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  • A.

    The TPO shall apply to all Rental Units where there is a Rental Agreement between an Owner and one or more Tenants, unless exempted herein. The application of the TPO includes units that may not be covered under the Rent Adjustment Ordinance (O.M.C. 8.22.100, et seq.) or the Just Cause for Eviction Ordinance (O.M.C. 8.22.300, et seq.)




    Exemption for nonprofit owned rental housing. Any Rental Unit owned by (a) a corporation or organization exempt pursuant to United States Internal Revenue Code §501(c)(3) or any successor legislation exempting charitable organizations from federal income tax, (b) a limited partnership where the managing general partner is a corporation or organization exempt pursuant to United States Internal Revenue Code §501(c)(3) or any successor legislation exempting charitable organizations from federal income tax, or (c) a limited partnership where the managing general partner is a limited liability company whose sole members are corporations or organizations exempt pursuant to United States Internal Revenue Code §501(c)(3) or any successor legislation exempting charitable organizations from federal income tax shall have an exemption from the TPO's civil enforcement pursuant to this article.


    Rental Units in any Hospital, Skilled Nursing Facility, or Health Facility.


    Rental Units in a nonprofit facility that has the primary purpose of providing short term treatment, assistance, or therapy for alcohol, drug, or other substance abuse and the housing is provided incident to the recovery program, and where the client has been informed in writing of the temporary or transitional nature of the housing at its inception and is licensed for such purpose where such license is required.


    Rental Units in a nonprofit facility which provides a structured living environment that has the primary purpose of helping homeless persons obtain the skills necessary for independent living in permanent housing and where occupancy is restricted to a limited and specific period of time of not more than twenty-four (24) months and where the client has been informed in writing of the temporary or transitional nature of the housing at its inception and is licensed for such purpose where such license is required.


    Rental Units exempted from Part 4, Title 4, Chapter 2 of the California Civil Code (CCC) by CCC § 1940(b) (transient occupancy in hotels/motels).


    A rental unit in a residential property that is divided into a maximum of three (3) units, one of which is occupied by the owner of record as his or her principal residence for a period of no less than twelve (12) months. For purposes of this section, the term owner of record shall not include any person who claims a homeowner's property tax exemption on any other real property in the State of California.


    A rental unit in a newly constructed residential property that has a certificate of occupancy issued after the effective date of O.M.C. 8.22.600, et seq. For the purposes of this exemption, "newly constructed" means all units on the parcel were built from the ground up under the same certificate of occupancy and not converted from property previously used for non-residential purposes. In the event the property is not issued a certificate of occupancy, then the exemption starts on the date that the last building related permit is finalized, if after the effective date of O.M.C. 8.22.600, et seq. This exemption is a limited duration exemption and expires fifteen (15) years from the date the exemption commences.

(Ord. No. 13265, § 1, 11-5-2014)