§ 8.22.670. Civil remedies.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    General Civil Remedies.


    Enforcement by Aggrieved-Tenant. An aggrieved Tenant may bring a civil action for injunctive relief or damages, or both, for any violation of 8.22.540.


    Enforcement by City Attorney. The City Attorney may enforce the TPO through civil action for injunctive relief or damages, or both, for when the party against whom enforcement is sought has a pattern and practice of violating the TPO. The City Attorney may also request that an administrative citation or civil penalty be issued by the City. The City Attorney has the sole discretion to determine the cases appropriate for enforcement by the City Attorney's Office.


    Treble and Exemplary Damages.


    Any person who violates, aids, or incites another person to violate subsection 8.22.640.A or E. is liable in a court action for each and every such offense for money damages of not less than three times actual damages suffered by an aggrieved Tenant (including damages for mental or emotional distress), or for minimum damages in the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), whichever is greater, and whatever other relief the court deems appropriate. In the case of an award of damages for mental or emotional distress, said award shall only be trebled if the trier of fact finds that the Owner acted in knowing violation of or in reckless disregard of the TPO.


    A court may award punitive damages in a proper case as set out in Civil Code Section 3294 and pursuant to the standards set forth in that Code Section or any successor thereto, but may not award both punitive damages and treble damages.


    Injunctive Relief. Any person who commits an act, proposes to commit an act, or engages in any pattern and practice which violates the TPO may be enjoined therefrom by any court of competent jurisdiction. An action for injunction under this subsection may be brought by any aggrieved Tenant, by the City Attorney (for a pattern and practice only), or by an aggrieved Tenant who will fairly and adequately represent the interest of the protected class.


    Attorney's Fees and Costs


    Action by City Attorney. In any administrative, civil, or special proceeding brought pursuant to the TPO, the City may, at the initiation of the proceeding, seek an award of attorney's fees. If the City seeks an award of attorney's fees, the award shall be made to the prevailing party. Provided however, that no award may be made to a prevailing party that exceeds the amount of reasonable attorney's fees incurred by the City in the action or proceeding. Court costs may be awarded to a prevailing party pursuant to state law.


    Action by Tenant. In any civil action brought pursuant to the TPO, the prevailing Tenant is entitled to recover the Tenant's reasonable attorney's fees. A defendant Owner may recover reasonable attorney's fees if the complaint brought by the Tenant was devoid of merit and brought in bad faith. Court costs may be awarded to a prevailing party pursuant to state law.


    Costs of Investigation. In the event the City Attorney brings an administrative, civil, or special proceeding pursuant to the TPO, the City Attorney may recover its costs of investigation.

(Ord. No. 13265, § 1, 11-5-2014)