§ 8.22.860. Violation—Penalty.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Criminal Penalties.


    Infraction. Any property Owner violating any provision or failing to comply with any requirements of this article shall be guilty of an infraction for the first offense.


    Misdemeanor. Any property Owner violating any provision or failing to comply with any requirements of this article multiple times shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.


    Administrative Penalties.


    Administrative Citation. Any person violating any provision or failing to comply with any requirements of this article may be assessed an administrative citation pursuant to O.M.C. Chapter 1.12 for the first offense.


    Civil Penalties. Any person violating any provision or failing to comply with any requirements of this article multiple times may be assessed a civil penalty for each violation pursuant to O.M.C. Chapter 1.08.


    Violation includes attempted violation. In addition to failing to comply with this article, it is also violation to attempt to have a Tenant accept terms that fail to comply with this article, including any of the following actions:


    Asking the Tenant to accept an agreement that pays less than the required relocation payments;


    Asking the Tenant to accept an agreement that waives the Tenant's rights; or


    Upon a return to the unit, asking the Tenant to pay a higher rent than is permitted under this article or O.M.C. Chapter 8.22.

(Ord. No. 13468, § 2, 1-16-2018)