§ 8.28.040. Ownership of materials.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Mixed Materials & Organics Collector. Title to materials collected by the MM&O collector under the terms of the MM&O contract shall pass to the MM&O collector at such time as said materials are placed in a container and/or set out for collection provided, however, title to unacceptable waste shall remain with the generator unless expressly accepted by the MM&O collector.


    Residential Recyclables Collector. Title to materials collected by the RR collector under the terms of the RR contract shall pass to the RR collector at such time as said materials are placed in a container and/or set out for collection provided, however, title to unacceptable waste shall remain with the generator unless expressly accepted by the RR collector.


    Commercial Recyclers. Title to commercial recyclable materials collected by a commercial recycler shall become the property of the authorized commercial recycler when placed at designated recycling locations for collection unless otherwise provided by contract between the authorized commercial recycler and the generator of the materials or his or her agent. A recyclable materials collection container shall constitute a designated recycling location.

(Ord. No. 13314, § 1, 6-22-2015)