§ 8.28.060. Collection of mixed materials and organic materials restricted to MM&O collector.  

Latest version.
  • It is unlawful for any person other than the MM&O collector or those persons employed by the MM&O collector to collect or haul any mixed materials, organic materials, or bulky goods from premises within the City except:


    Persons who haul mixed materials and organics pursuant to a self-haul permit as set forth in Section 8.28.115 herein.


    Service providers transporting organic materials removed from a premises as an incidental part of a total landscaping or gardening service offered by that service provider rather than as a separately contracted or subcontracted hauling service.


    Persons transporting animal waste and remains from slaughterhouses and butcher shops, or grease waste for use as tallow.


    Persons transporting by-products of sewage treatment, including sludge, grit and screenings.


    City crews collecting mixed materials, bulky goods, or organic materials and transporting that material to a disposal facility, transfer station, processing facility, or material recovery facility.


    A person who generates mixed materials, organic materials, or bulky goods and hauls those materials directly to a transfer station or disposal facility.


    A person transporting homogeneous organic by-products such as spent hops or coffee bean chaff which are generated by food product manufacturers and processors delivered to destinations other than solid waste or compost facilities and used as livestock feed


    A retailer removing bulky goods from a premises for no more than a nominal charge as an incidental part of a sale of merchandise.


    A facility or reuse business removing bulky goods from a premises for no more than a nominal charge.

(Ord. No. 13314, § 1, 6-22-2015)