§ 8.28.070. Transportation of mixed materials, organics, and recyclable materials on City streets restricted.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    It is unlawful for any person other than the MM&O collector or those persons employed by the MM&O collector to transport over or upon the streets of the City any mixed materials, organic materials, or bulky goods from any premises, produced in the City, except in those cases described in Section 8.28.060.


    It is unlawful for any person other than the RR collector or those persons employed by the RR collector to transport over or upon the streets of the City any recyclable materials from single-family or multi-family dwellings, produced in the City, except in those cases described in Sections 8.28.030 and 8.28.050.


    It is unlawful for any person other than an authorized commercial recycler or those persons employed by an authorized commercial recycler or the MM&O and RR collectors or those persons employed by the MM&O or RR collectors while collecting and transporting commercial recyclable materials for which they have the exclusive rights to collect and transport under the MM&O and RR Contracts, respectively, to transport over or upon the streets of the City any recyclable materials from commercial premises, produced in the City, except in those cases described in Sections 8.28.030 and 8.28.050.

(Ord. No. 13314, § 1, 6-22-2015)