§ 8.28.115. Self-haul permit.  

Latest version.
  • An owner or an occupant of any premises may elect to self-haul solid waste and organics generated at the premises directly to a disposal or processing facility holding all applicable permits to accept the material. Any such owner or occupant desiring to do so as a means of satisfying the owner's obligation under Section 8.28.100 shall obtain a permit to do so from the Director. The permit shall authorize the permit holder to self-haul solid waste for a period not to exceed 12 months; require the permit holder to deliver the solid waste to an approved transfer facility or disposal facility and to deliver any organics to a transfer facility, a material recovery facility, or a processing facility for processing; require the permit holder to maintain records indicating such waste was removed from the premises and disposed of and processed consistent with this section or was composted onsite; authorize City officials to inspect the premises at reasonable periods of time; require the payment of an annual fee, as established in the City's master fee schedule, for the administrative costs to the City associated with issuing the permit and monitoring the self-hauler's operations, including components associated with periodic inspection of the premises; and include such reasonable terms and conditions as the Director may require. The Director may, after providing the permit holder notice and an opportunity to be heard, revoke the self-haul permit if he or she finds that the permit holder has not complied with the terms of the permit. Upon revocation of the self-haul permit, the Director shall order the owner to comply with Section 8.28.100. The Director shall not, for a period of 12 months following the revocation, grant a self-haul permit to a person from whom a self-haul permit was revoked, and, thereafter, the Director is authorized in his or her discretion to deny, or impose additional conditions on, the issuance of a self-haul permit to a person from whom a self-haul permit was previously revoked.

(Ord. No. 13314, § 1, 6-22-2015)