§ 8.44.020. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • Whenever in this Chapter the words or phrases in this section are used, they shall have the following meanings:

    "Area not open to the general public," includes, but shall not be limited to the playing field, including the dirt track surrounding the turf, dugouts, bullpen areas, team locker rooms, office and administrative areas, roofs, signs, architectural supports and superstructure, fencing, walls, lighting supports and stands, trees, ladders, stages, backstage areas, and any elevators, stairways, tunnels or other areas which are either plainly marked as not being open to the general public or posted with police, security or other stadium or arena personnel who state that these areas are closed to the general public when such police, security, or other stadium or arena personnel are either in uniform or identify themselves as acting in such capacity.

    "Arena" means that certain enclosed, multipurpose sports structure located in the city, the peripheral boundaries of which are the gates for access and egress and the walls surrounding the outer perimeter of the building.

    "Authority" means the Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum Authority, a joint powers authority established by agreement by the city of Oakland and the county of Alameda.

    "Authorized representative" means the responsible officer or the person designated by the authority as responsible for the management of the complex.

    "Complex" includes the stadium, the arena, the parking facility, and any other facilities or property owned or controlled jointly by the city of Oakland and the county of Alameda and generally known as the Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum Complex.

    "Conclusion of any event" means the expiration of the alloted playing time or termination of play in relation to any particular sporting event. In relation to non-sporting events, the event shall be deemed concluded at the time designated by the license granted for the use of the complex or any portion thereof, or the end of any particular band performance, stage show, program, or concert, whichever is earlier.

    "Event" in Section 8.44.030 shall refer to any sporting, athletic, musical, or other type of scheduled activity, conducted under contract with any authorized representative, occurring within the complex. "Event" in Section 8.44.040 shall also refer to any scheduled contractual activity occurring within the parking facility, including, but not limited to: swap meets, car sales, car shows, and other such activities where licenses have been granted by the authorized representative for non-stadium or non-arena functions.

    "Outside seating area" includes all seats in the stadium or arena for which a ticket was issued and all adjacent aisleways. It does not include enclosed suite areas.

    "Parking facility" means all parking areas, entrances and exits continuous from street grade and all passenger waiting areas at the complex, and all other areas which are part of the complex which are not part of the stadium or the arena.

    "Parking space" means any area marked with lines designating a parking space at the parking facility. Parking spaces may be marked for small cars or for standard size cars.

    "Person" means and includes any person, association, partnership, firm or corporation.

    "Press level area" includes the inside area of the stadium or arena reserved for use by members of the press or media.

    "Security personnel" shall refer to all employees, contractors, employees of contractors, or other agents of the authorized representative charged with responsibility for the orderly conduct of individuals attending stadium and arena events.

    "Stadium" means that certain unenclosed, multipurpose sports structure located in the city at the complex, the peripheral boundaries of which are the gates for access and egress and the walls surrounding the outer perimeter of the building.

    "Tailgate parking space" means a reserved and numbered space for parking a vehicle in a designated tailgate parking area.

    "Vehicle" shall have the same meaning as that contained in Section 670 of the California Vehicle Code.

(Ord. 12003 § 2 (part), 1997)