§ 8.44.030. Activities prohibited within the stadium and arena.  

Latest version.
  • The following activities are prohibited within the stadium and the arena.


    No person shall intentionally throw, discharge, launch or spill any solid object (including footballs, baseballs, beach balls, Frisbees or other such devices) or liquid substance or otherwise cause such object or substance to be thrown, discharged, launched, spilled or to become airborne.


    No person shall explode, set off, discharge or otherwise release or cause to be released any smoke bomb, fireworks, stink bomb, or other substance which is physically harmful or otherwise irritating, offensive, repugnant or disgusting to the eyes or sense of smell.


    No person shall enter any area of the stadium or arena not open to the general public, or any other area set apart for the participants, performers, officials, attendants or service personnel at any time before, during, or after a stadium or arena event.


    No person shall bring into or possess within the stadium or the arena any can or bottle or any thermos, vacuum bottle, canteen or other similar container containing alcohol unless expressly authorized by the authorized representative.


    No person shall gain or attempt to gain admittance to the stadium or the arena except through an access gate open for public access and by presenting a valid event ticket or otherwise paying the posted charge required for admission or to enter or attempt to enter the stadium or the arena during non-event days or hours without permission.


    No person of either sex shall enter the clearly marked and designated restroom facilities of the opposite sex at the stadium or the arena.


    No person shall behave in so noisy, boisterous or rowdy a manner as to disturb spectators or participants at any stadium or arena event so that assigned personnel must address the person to cease or prevent a recurrence of the noisy, boisterous or rowdy behavior.


    No person shall violate any local ordinance or state law.


    No person shall refuse to obey an ejectment order made pursuant to enforcement of this section, or shall re-enter the stadium or arena during the event that person was ejected from by purchase of another ticket or by any other means.


    No person shall bring into or possess within the stadium or the arena any noise-making device including but not necessarily limited to air horns, powered megaphones, bugles, drums, tambourines or other musical instruments unless expressly authorized.


    No person shall lead, conduct or otherwise bring or allow to remain in the stadium or the arena any animal, bird, fish or reptile, except trained guide dogs or dogs for the disabled certified by the state of California and which are in actual use.


    No person shall remain within the stadium or the arena more than one hour after the conclusion of the event for which admitted. It is unlawful for any person to refuse to obey the lawful order of law enforcement officers or stadium or arena security personnel made pursuant to enforcement of this subsection.


    Subsections A through L of this section shall not apply to any duly authorized employee, agent or officer of the authorized representative while acting in the course and scope of his or her employment, nor shall it apply to any duly authorized participant, performer, official, security or service personnel specifically authorized to perform such an act by the authorized representative while acting in the scope of his or her employment or participation.


    No person shall smoke any combustible substance in the stadium or the arena.


    During events with ticketed assigned seating, no person is to occupy a seat for which he/she does not possess a valid ticket.


    No person shall remain standing in or block any aisle or passageway beyond the time reasonably necessary to transit the aisle or passageway. Aisle or passageway shall mean those areas immediately adjacent to the seating areas that are intended as walkways leading to or from seats or exits. Aisle or passageway shall also mean the concourse areas when large crowds have gathered in sufficient numbers so as to block such aisle or passageways.

(Ord. 12091 (part), 1998; Ord. 12003 § 2 (part), 1997)