§ 8.44.040. Activities prohibited within the parking facility.  

Latest version.
  • The following activities are prohibited within the parking facility.


    No person shall maliciously and/or in a manner that disturbs public order or causes a threat to public safety throw, discharge, launch or spill any solid object including footballs, baseballs, Frisbees and other such devices or liquid substances, or otherwise cause such objects or substances to be maliciously and/or in a manner that disturbs public order or causes a threat to public safety thrown, discharged, launched, spilled or to become airborne within the parking facility.


    No person shall explode, set off, discharge, or otherwise release or cause to be released any smoke bomb, fireworks, stink bomb, or other substance which is physically harmful or otherwise irritating, offensive, repugnant, or disgusting to the eyes or sense of smell within the parking facility.



    No person shall participate in any activity, including, but not limited to vehicle driver training, running, jogging, volleyball, baseball, soccer, football, roller skating, bicycle riding, skateboarding or Frisbee within the parking facility unless expressly authorized by the authorized representative.


    No tables, barbecues, chairs, umbrellas or other objects shall be permitted on walkways and promenades in the inner areas of the parking facility without the written permission of the authorized representative.


    No person shall lead, conduct or otherwise bring or allow to remain in the parking facility any animal, bird, fish or reptile except trained guide dogs or dogs for the disabled certified by the state of California and which are in actual use.


    No person shall bring or attempt to bring a vehicle into the parking facility without paying the prescribed charge required for admission. No employee of the authorized representative or any employee of any organization holding an event at the complex shall enter or attempt to enter the parking facility without presenting a valid ticket or pass to that event, or a pass or I.D. indicating that the person is an on-duty employee working the event.


    For purposes of the California Vehicle Code, all surfaced areas of the parking facility, on which vehicles normally travel to enter and leave parking spaces or the parking facility, shall be considered "highways" as defined in California Vehicle Code Section 360.



    No person shall park or stand a vehicle in more than one parking space. If the vehicle exceeds twenty (20) feet in length, the driver thereof shall park said vehicle in parking spaces for standard size vehicles and pay for the additional space and display evidence of such payment.


    No person shall utilize in any manner more than the parking space that his or her vehicle is entitled to occupy under the provisions of this Chapter. Roadways and fire lanes shall remain clear of vehicles and objects to maximize use for traffic circulation.


    No person shall interfere in any manner with the use of an adjacent parking space.


    Coliseum staff may set a reasonable closing time for parking facilities following an event. No person shall remain within the parking facilities after being informed by a police officer or security personnel the facilities are closed. No person shall refuse to obey the lawful order of a police officer or security personnel made pursuant to enforcement of this subsection.


    No person shall bring, or cause to be brought, for the purposes of sale or barter, or have for sale, or sell or exchange, or offer for sale or exchange any food, drink, service, goods, wares, ticket or merchandise within any portion of the parking facility including the perimeter sidewalk of the complex without first having obtained a city business tax certificate and a permit from the authorized representative.


    No person shall bring within the perimeter of the boundaries of the Coliseum parking lots, or cause to be brought to the parking lots, a beer keg or any type of glass container. This subsection shall not apply to patrons possessing prescribed medication in glass containers.


    Subsections A through J of this section shall not apply to any duly authorized employee, agent or officer of the Authorized Representative while acting in the course and scope of his or her employment, nor shall it apply to any duly authorized participant, performer, official, security or service personnel specifically authorized to perform such an act by the authorized representative while acting in the scope of his or her employment or participation.

(Ord. 12290 (part), 2000; Ord. 12091 (part), 1998; Ord. 12003 § 2 (part), 1997)