§ 8.50.060. Emergency Plan.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The Emergency Services Manager, working with the Disaster Council, is responsible for developing and annual updating the City's Emergency Plan; and for maintaining, testing and training required under the Plan.


    The Emergency Plan shall provide for the effective mobilization of all of City resources to meet any condition constituting a Local Emergency, State of Emergency, or State of War Emergency. It further shall provide for the organization, powers and duties, services, and staff of the City's Emergency Organization. The Emergency Plan, as amended from time to time, shall comply with the California Emergency Services Act, and conform to the guidelines and objectives of the National Incident Management System ("NIMS") and the California's Standardized Emergency Management System ("SEMS"). Such Plan or parts thereof shall take effect upon City Council adoption of a resolution or by approval of the City Administrator, as appropriate.


    The Emergency Plan shall incorporate the four (4) phases of emergency management and include fiscal/funding and mutual aid provisions, as required under the California Emergency Act and in accordance with the following objectives:


    Preparedness: Identify and implement plans, standard operating procedures and training programs that prepare the City (employees, citizens, community based organizations, and local businesses) for major emergencies.


    Mitigation: Identify, evaluate and prioritize projects that can reduce or eliminate threats that face the City of Oakland and to minimize the City's hazards.


    Response: Identify and implement operating systems that will provide emergency assistance, reduce probabilities of additional injuries, speed recovery activities, and ensure effective field response and Emergency Operations Center functions.


    Recovery: Identify and/or establish resources, relationships and agreements in advance of any emergency that will enable the City to return to normalcy as quickly as possible.


    Fiscal/Funding: Identify and procure funds to implement projects recommended by members of the Emergency Disaster Council and ensure adoption of an annual budget to support emergency programs/projects, ensuring all financial resources are explored that can assist in recovering from a major disaster.


    Mutual Aid: (a) Provide for multi-agency and inter-agency response and coordination to respond to emergencies and disasters, consistent with the California Disaster and Civil Defense Master Mutual Aid Agreement ("MMAA"), the Operational Area ("OA") concept, the Standardized Emergency Management System ("SEMS"), and the Federal Emergency Management Agency's ("FEMA") National Incident Management System ("NIMS"), as amended from time to time; and (b) during regular times when no emergency has been declared, the Emergency Management Services Division works with first responders (i.e., emergency medical services, fire, law enforcement and public works) to provide emergency services and conduct their duties in accordance with their regularly vested authority under State and local laws.

(Ord. No. 13437, § 2, 6-20-2017)