§ 9.08.240. Food and drink establishments—Solicitation and annoyance of customers prohibited.  

Latest version.
  • It is unlawful, in any place of business where food or drink is sold to be consumed upon the premises, for any person who loafs or loiters about such place, or who is employed therein, to beg, solicit or importune any patron or customer of or visitor in such establishment to purchase any article of food or drink for the one begging, soliciting, or importuning, or to be consumed by any employee, frequenter, habitue, or any vagrant or idle person about such place, and no person shall enter any such place, or remain therein, for the purpose of so begging, soliciting or importuning patrons, customers or visitors therein to purchase articles of food or drink.

    Any person who owns, manages or otherwise controls any such place of business who himself or herself begs, solicits, or importunes, or permits or allows other persons to beg, solicit or importune patrons, customers or visitors thereof to purchase food or drink for himself or herself, for the ones begging, soliciting, or importuning, or for employees, frequenters, habitues or any idle or vagrant persons about such place, is guilty of an infraction.

    For the purpose of this section the word "drink" means any nonalcoholic beverage which contains less than one-half of one percent of alcohol by volume and which is fit for beverage purposes either alone or when diluted, mixed or combined with other substances.

(Prior code § 3-11.05)