§ 9.20.040. Record of ammunition sales.  

Latest version.
  • The requirements of this Section shall apply to all ammunition sales in Oakland up until February 1, 2011. Effective February 1, 2011, the requirements of this Section shall not apply to the sale or transfer of ammunition that is principally for use in pistols, revolvers, or other firearms capable of being concealed upon the person, as that term is defined in Penal Code section 12001(a).

    Every vendor who sells ammunition in the City shall maintain a record of ammunition sales as prescribed by this Chapter. The record shall be maintained on the vendor's premises, on forms supplied by, or approved by, the Oakland Police Department (OPD). All ammunition sales must be conducted with the actual purchaser present in a face-to-face transaction. An ammunition purchaser must provide to the vendor and the vendor shall record the following information:


    The date of the transaction;


    The purchaser's name, address and date of birth;


    The purchaser's valid driver's license number or other government issued identification number from a valid photographic I.D. such as a passport;


    The brand of ammunition purchased;


    The type and amount of ammunition purchased; and


    The purchaser's signature and vendor's initials.


    The thumbprint of the purchaser on the above record.

    The information required to be recorded shall be maintained in chronological order by date of sale of the ammunition and shall be retained on the business premises of the vendor for a period not less than five years following the date of the recorded sale of the ammunition. In addition, the required information in Subsections A—G above shall be transmitted electronically within five business days of sale to OPD by means determined by the Chief of Police.

    Federal, State or local law enforcement officers may enter a vendor's premises during regular business hours for the purpose of examining, inspecting or copying records required by this Chapter.

    This Section shall not apply if the purchaser is a "peace officer" as that term is defined in Penal Code Section 830 et seq., or a federal law enforcement officer or a person licensed as a dealer or collector in firearms pursuant to Chapter 44 (commencing with Sec. 921) of Title 18 of the United States Code and the regulations pursuant thereto.

(Ord. No. 12995, 2-16-2010; Ord. 11848 § 1 (part), 1995; prior code § 2-12.04)