§ 9.36.120. Firearms and projectile weapons—Exceptions.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The provisions of Section 9.36.080 relative to the use of firearms and projectile weapons shall not apply to or affect sheriffs, constables, marshals, police officers, or other duly appointed peace officers in the performance of their official duties, nor to any person summoned by such officer to assist in making arrests or preserving the peace while said person so summoned is actually engaged in assisting such officer; nor to persons who are by the United States Federal Government authorized to use such firearms and projectile weapons, nor to persons using said firearms and projectile weapons in necessary self defense.


    Use of firearms and projectile weapons within the city shall be unlawful pursuant to Section 9.36.080, except that use of firearms and projectile weapons may be permissible when integral to the pursuit of specific competitive and sporting events, including but not limited to events such as take place at shooting ranges, archery ranges and skeet shooting, upon issuance of a permit from the Chief of Police to persons conducting the event or engaged in the business of providing the location upon which such activities are to take place. The Chief of Police shall formulate criteria for the application, issuance, and renewal of such permits, and may require as a condition of approval the posting of any bond, or proof of adequate liability insurance.


    The city, through the Department of Parks and Recreation or other city departments, may sponsor specific competitive and sporting events, including but not limited to events such as take place at shooting ranges, archery ranges, and skeet shooting, and is exempt from provisions of subsection B of this section for these purposes. Any person who seeks to conduct such an event on property under the jurisdiction of the city shall obtain approval from both the Chief of Police and the City Manager or a designee, prior to the issuance of a permit for engaging in such activities.

(Prior code § 2 11.08)