§ 9.36.240. Additions to the roster.  

Latest version.
  • Additions to the roster shall be made in accordance with the following:


    Semiannual Determination. On a semiannual basis, the Chief of Police or his or her designee shall determine the need to place firearms on the roster. Upon identifying one or more firearms as a Saturday night special, the City Manager or his or her designee shall prepare a draft list of the additions to the roster.


    Notification of Additions to Roster. In the event that a draft list of firearms to be added to the roster is prepared, the Chief of Police or his or her designee shall endeavor to send written notification in accordance with the aforementioned provisions of Section 9.36.190.


    Reconsideration by the Chief of Police. Any person who the Chief of Police or his or her designee notifies pursuant to subsection B of this section may apply for reconsideration of the classification of that firearm as a Saturday night special in accordance with the provisions of Section 9.36.200.


    Appeal of Classification. Whenever a firearm has been determined to be properly classified as a Saturday night special after reconsideration, the applicant may file an appeal to the City Manager and the City Manager or his or her designee shall hold a hearing in accordance with the provisions of Section 9.36.210.


    Additions of Firearms to Roster. After all appeals have been exhausted, the Chief of Police or his or her designee shall place on the roster those additional firearms which have been determined to constitute a Saturday night special within the meaning of Section 9.36.170A. The Chief of Police or his or her designee shall cause the roster, as amended to include these additional firearms, to be published in accordance with Section 9.36.220.


    Effective Date of Additions to the Roster. The addition of new firearms to the roster shall not operate to preclude the enforcement of the roster with respect to firearms previously listed thereon. The publication of the roster, as amended to include new firearms, shall be effective as to those newly added firearms on the fifteenth day after its publication as set forth in Section 9.36.230.

(Ord. 11903 § 1 (part), 1996: prior code § 2-12.11)