§ 9.40.130. Liability.  

Latest version.
  • Any person who violates any of the provisions of this chapter, or who aids in the violation of any provisions of this chapter shall be liable for each violation as follows:


    For actual damages, including compensatory damages for pain and suffering;


    For a civil penalty which can be up to three times the amount of actual damages, but in no case will the civil penalty be less than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00).


    For court costs and attorneys' fees;


    For any equitable relief determined by a court to be necessary to remedy the wrong to the person whose rights are violated, and to prevent or end any act or practice which would violate this chapter, and for equitable relief in the form of affirmative action as may be appropriate;


    For any punitive damages as a court may deem appropriate and proper.

(Prior code § 3-21.13)