§ 17.107.030. Application.
An application shall be filed with the Oakland Planning and Zoning Division for a density bonus and/or incentive(s), concession(s) and waiver(s); the application shall be made by the owner of the affected property, or his or her authorized agent. The application shall be accompanied by such information including, but not limited to, site and building plans, drawings and elevations, and operational data, as may be required to permit the review of the proposal in the context of the required findings, and by the fee prescribed in the City's master fee schedule, and any additional information deemed necessary by the City Planning Department.
An application for a density bonus and related incentive(s) or concession(s) shall be included in the application for design review for a housing development and shall be processed and considered as part of same. The application for a density bonus and related incentive(s) shall include:
A written statement specifying the desired density increase, incentive requested and the type, location, size and construction scheduling of all living units;
A project financial report (pro forma), as required justifying the granting of any incentive(s) and/or concession(s) in addition to the density bonus;
Information demonstrating that any requested incentive(s), concession(s) and/or waiver(s) are necessary to make the units affordable, or available to seniors. Information could include: calculations of affordability, evidence that incentives and concessions provide "identifiable, financially sufficient, and actual cost reductions," and economic analyses to show that any waivers are required to make the project economically feasible;
Any other such information as may be required to permit the review of the proposal in the context of the required findings, as requested by the Director of City Planning.
(Ord. No. 13224, § 3(Exh. A), 4-22-2014)