Section 400. Designation as Officer. In addition to the Councilmembers and the Mayor, the officers of the City shall be the City Administrator, the City Attorney, the City Clerk, the City Auditor, and such department heads, members of boards or commissions and executive officers of such boards and commissions as may be so designated by ordinance. The City Administrator may be hired by contract, for a term not to exceed four years, but no such contract shall prevent the Mayor from removing the City Administrator from office at any time. (Amended by: Stats. November 1988, November 1998 and March 2004.) Section 401(1). City Attorney. The City Attorney shall be nominated and elected in the same manner and at the same election as the Councilmember-at-large. The salary of the elected City Attorney shall be set by the Council, which shall be not less than 70% nor more than 90% of the average salaries of City Attorneys of California cities within the three immediate higher and the three immediate lower cities in population to Oakland, and may not be reduced during the City Attorney's term of office, except as part of a general reduction of salaries of all officers and employees in the same amount or proportion. (Amended by: Stats. November 1988, November 1998, March 2002 and March 2004.) Section 401(2). Qualifications, the City Attorney. No person shall be eligible for or continue to hold the Office of City Attorney, either by election or appointment, unless he or she is a citizen of the United States, a qualified elector and resident for at least 30 days of the City or a territory lawfully annexed or consolidated, licensed to practice law in all courts of the State of California and so licensed for at least ten years preceding his or her election. (Amend by: Stats. November 1988, November 1998 and March 2002.) Section 401(3). Term of Office, the City Attorney. The City Attorney shall be elected to a term of four years beginning at 11:00 a.m. on the Monday following January 1 following his or her election. (Amended by: Stats. November 1988, November 1998 and March 2002.) Section 401(4). Vacancy, Filling of. Upon the declaration of vacancy in the Office of the City Attorney, the Office of the City Attorney shall be filled by appointment by the majority vote of the members of the Council; provided, that if the Council shall fail to fill a vacancy by appointment within sixty days after such office shall become vacant, the City Council shall cause an election to be held to fill such vacancy pursuant to the manner and method as provided for in Article II, Section 205 of the Charter. An appointee or the person elected to the Office of City Attorney for the balance of an unexpired term shall hold office until the next general election for the Office of the City Attorney. (Amended by: Stats. November 1988, November 1998 and March 2002.) Section 40l(5). Vacancy, What Constitutes. The Office of City Attorney shall be declared vacant by the Council when the person elected or appointed thereto fails to qualify within ten days after his or her term is to begin, dies, resigns, ceases to be a resident of the City or absents himself or herself continuously from the City for a period of more than thirty days without permission from the Council, absents himself or herself from any ten consecutive regular meetings except on account of own illness or when absent from the City by permission of the Council, is convicted of a felony, is judicially determined to be an incompetent, is permanently so disabled as to be unable to perform the duties of his or her office, forfeits his or her office under any provision of this Charter, or is removed from office by judicial procedure. A finding of disability shall require the affirmative vote of at least six members of the Council after considering competent medical evidence bearing on the physical or mental capability of the City Attorney. (Amended by: Stats. November 1988, November 1998 and March 2002.) Section 401(6). Powers of the City Attorney. The City Attorney shall serve as counsel to the Mayor, City Council, and each and every department of the City, except departments specifically enumerated by this Charter as an independent department of the City, in their official capacities pursuant to state law and the Charter, and as counsel, shall assert and maintain the attorney-client privilege pursuant to state law. He or she shall advise all officers, boards, commissions, and other agencies of the City on legal matters referred to him or her and shall render written legal opinions when the same are requested in writing by the Mayor or a member of the Council or the City Administrator or any other officer, board or commission of the City. He or she shall draft such ordinances, resolutions, contracts and other legal documents as directed by the Council or requested by the Mayor or City Administrator or any official board or commission of the City. He or she shall act as Counsel in behalf of the City or any of its officers, boards, commissions, or other agencies in litigation involving any of them in their official capacity. He or she may, whenever a cause of action exists in favor of the City, commence legal proceedings, subject to ratification by the City Council, when such action is within the knowledge of the City Attorney, or, he or she shall commence legal proceedings when directed by the City Council. He or she shall pass on the form and legality of all contracts of the City before the same are executed. He or she shall not settle or dismiss any litigation brought for the City nor settle any litigation brought against the City which may be under his control unless upon his written recommendation he or she is authorized to do so by the Council. He or she shall administer the office of City Attorney, and shall have the power to appoint, discipline and remove all officers and employees of his or her office subject to the provisions of Article IX of the Charter. The Council may empower the City Attorney, at his or her request and without regard to the provisions of Article IX, to employ special legal counsel, and he or she shall have the power to appoint appraisers, engineers and other technical and expert services necessary for the handling of any pending or proposed litigation, proceeding or other legal matter. Upon the City Attorneys recommendation and the approval of the Council, when he or she has a conflict of interest in litigation involving another office of the City in his official capacity, such other officer may retain special legal counsel at City expense. (Amended by: Stats. November 1988, November 1998, March 2002 and March 2004.) Section 402. City Clerk. The City Clerk shall be appointed or discharged by the City Administrator subject to confirmation by the Council. He shall be the Clerk of the Council and keep an accurate public record of all ordinances, resolutions and motions, shall have custody of the official seal and all official records committed to his care, make affidavits and administer oaths without charge in matters affecting the business of the City, conduct elections, and perform the other duties of a City Clerk under general law where not inconsistent with this Charter or the ordinances of the City. (Amended by: Stats. November 1988 and March 2004) Section 403. City Auditor. The City Auditor shall be nominated and elected in the same manner, for the same term, and at the same election, as the Mayor. To be eligible to the office a person must be a qualified elector of the State of California, and shall be a resident of the City at the time of filing nomination papers and for thirty (30) days immediately preceding the date of filing, and shall be certified by the California State Board of Accountancy as a Certified Public Accountant or by the Institute of Internal Auditors as a Certified Internal Auditor. The salary of the office shall be set by the Council, which shall be not less than 70% nor more than 90% of the average salaries of City Auditors of California cities within the three immediate higher and the three immediate lower cities in population to Oakland, and may not be reduced during the City Auditor's term of office, except as a part of a general reduction of salaries for all officers and employees in the same amount or proportion. The City Auditor shall have the power and it shall be his or her duty to audit the books, accounts, money and securities of all departments and agencies of the City and such other matters as the Council may request; to report to the Council periodically the results of such audits and to advise and make recommendations to the City Administrator regarding accounting forms design, fiscal and statistical reports and the methods or procedures for maintaining the accounts and accounting system throughout all departments, offices and agencies of the City. The City Auditor shall report to the Council instances of noncompliance with accepted accounting principles where recommendations for compliance have not been implemented by the City Administrator after reasonable time and opportunity. The City Auditor shall conduct surveys, reviews, and audits as the Auditor deems to be in the best public interest or as required by the Council or Mayor. For these purposes the public interest shall include, but not be limited to: (1) Reviewing and appraising the soundness, adequacy and application of accounting, functional, and operating controls and reliability and timeliness of accounting and other data generated within the organization. (2) Evaluating the city's internal controls to ensure that the City's assets and resources are reasonably safeguarded from fraud, waste, and mismanagement. (3) Ascertaining compliance with Council's resolutions and policies and the Mayor's Administrative Instructions and Directives, as well as applicable State and Federal laws and regulations. (4) Providing assistance to City Departments to enhance the effectiveness, efficiency and economy of their operations. (5) Preparing an impartial financial analysis of all ballot measures, pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Code. (6) Preparing impartial financial analyses of proposed major expenditures prior to the approval of such expenditures. These analyses will be for informational purposes only and will include, but not be limited to, proposals, contracts, ventures, programs and construction projects. The proposed major expenditures selected for these financial analyses will be based on requests from Mayor/Council and/or deemed to be prudently advisable in the objective and professional judgment of the City Auditor. (7) Responding to requests for audit and reviews. (8) Submitting, at a public meeting of the full City Council, a quarterly report to the Council and public on the extent of implementation of recommendations for corrective actions made in the City Auditor's report. (9) The City Auditor shall conduct performance audits of each department as specified in the City budget. The City Auditor shall be represented in all legal matters by the City Attorney except as provided otherwise in Section 401. (Amended by: Stats. November 1979, November 1996 and March 2004) Section 404. Board of Education. (a) The Board of Education shall consist of ten District School Directors. Seven District School Directors shall be nominated and elected by the qualified electors of their respective districts for a term of four years. The elected District School Directors shall be elected at the times and in the manner in this Charter provided for members of the Council and shall be required to have the same qualifications. The elected School Directors' Districts shall have the same boundaries as the seven Council Districts. Three School District Directors shall be appointed by the Mayor for two-year terms commencing on May 1, 2000. The appointed Directors shall be residents of the City of Oakland and shall have the same powers and duties as elected Directors. Effective May 1, 2004 (1) the office of appointed Director shall be abolished, (2) the Board of Education shall consist of seven District School Directors. elected in accordance with the provisions of this sec tion 404, and (3) the provisions of this section pertaining to Mayoral appointment of Directors shall be null and void. The provisions of the Education Code of the State of California shall apply as to matters not provided for in this Charter. (b) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section, the respective terms of office of the elected Directors of the Board of Education shall be as follows: (1) Directors elected or appointed to serve terms beginning in 1985 shall serve in office until 11:00 a.m. on the Monday following January 1, in 1991. (2) Directors elected or appointed to serve terms beginning in 1987 shall serve in office until 11:00 a.m. on the Monday following January 1, in 1993. (3) At the 1990 General Municipal Election, District School Director seats in Districts 2, 4, and 6 shall be filled for 4-year terms. (4) At the 1992 General Municipal Election, District School Director seats in Districts 1, 3, 5, and 7 shall be filled for 4-year terms thereafter. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Education or Elections Code or any other law: (1) The three appointed Directors' qualifications shall be determined by the Mayor and may include, but shall not be limited to the following: (i) a Director who is an educator; (ii) a Director who is skilled in financial matters; and (iii) a Director who is a student or a recent graduate of the Oakland Unified School District; and (2) Appointed Directors shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor. (Amended by: Stats. June 1988, November 1988 and March 2000) (c) No District School Director of the Board of Education may interfere with the performance by the Superintendent of the District of those duties vested in or delegated to the Superintendent of the District by statute or by act of the Board of Education. Such interference specifically includes any attempt by a District School Director to order, coerce or influence, publicly or privately, any subordinate, official or employee of the District as to any matter within the authority of the Superintendent under statute or as conferred by the Board of Education through its policies, procedures, resolutions, or minutes of meetings. Such interference will constitute official misconduct. (Added by: Stats. June 1990.) (d) Violations of California Education Code section 7053 and 35230 and California Government Code section 1090 and 1126(a) will constitute official misconduct. (Added by: Stats. June 1990.) (e) Any District School Director who engages in official misconduct as defined in subsections (c) and (d) above may be removed from office, pursuant to Government Code section 3060, by an accusation presented by the Alameda County Grand Jury or as otherwise provided by law. (Added by: Stats. June 1990.) Section 405. Repealed by: Stats. November 2000.) |