Section 1200. Conflict of Interest. No officer of the City may participate on behalf of the City in any transaction or activity in which he has a conflict of interest, as such conflict is defined by State Law. The penalty for violation of this section shall be as provided by State Law. (Amended by: Stats. November 1988.) Section 1201. Incompatible Employment. Each officer and employee shall, during his hours of active duty, devote his whole time, attention and efforts to his office or employment, and he may not be required to perform any service except for the benefit of the City. No officer or employee of the City may engage in any employment, activity or enterprise which has been determined to be inconsistent, incompatible or in conflict with his duties or with the duties, functions and responsibilities of the department or other agency in which he is employed. The City Administrator or the City Attorney, or the Auditor, as to personnel under their respective jurisdictions, shall declare the activities which will be considered inconsistent, incompatible or in conflict with, or inimical to, the duties of such personnel as City employees. In making this determination, consideration shall be given to employment, activity or enterprise which: (a) involves the use for private gain or advantage of City time, facilities, equipment and supplies, or the badge, uniform, prestige or influence of one's City office or employment; or (b) involves receipt by the officer or employee of any money or other consideration for the performance of any act required of him/her as a City officer or employee; or (c) involves the performance of an act in other than his capacity as City officer or employee which act may later be subject directly or indirectly, to control, inspection, review, audit or enforcement by him/her or by the agency in which he is employed. (Amended by: Stats. November 1988 and March 2004.) Section 1202. Conflict in Office. The Mayor and members of the Council shall not hold any other municipal office or any other office or employment to receive compensation from the City; or be appointed or elected to any office created by the Council while he is a member thereof, until at least one year shall have expired after the expiration of the term for which he was elected. (Amended by: Stats. November 1988.) Section 1203. Gifts and Trusts. The Council shall have the power to accept gifts and trusts in behalf of the City and to control, manage, dispose of and otherwise administer the same in accordance with their terms. (Amended by: Stats. November 1988.) Section 1204. Title to Property. All real property acquired by the City shall be held in the name of "The City of Oakland." (Amended by: Stats. November 1988.) Section 1205. Public Notice. Except as otherwise provided in this Charter or by general law, the Council shall, by ordinance applying to all agencies of the City, designate the time and conditions under which adequate public notice should be given, through publication or otherwise, of the pending consideration of ordinances, invitations to bid, and awards of contracts or leases, notices of intention to grant franchise, election proceedings and other matters requiring public notice in accordance with this Charter, any ordinance enacted pursuant thereto or general state law. Publication, if required, shall be in an official newspaper designated annually by the Council, which shall be a newspaper printed and published in the City of Oakland and which shall have a daily circulation within the City of at least 25,000. (Amended by: Stats. November 1988.) Section 1206. Oath of Office. Every officer of the City, before entering upon his duties, shall take the following oath and file the same with the City Clerk: "I solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the constitution of the United States, the constitution of the State of California, and the Charter of the City of Oakland, and will truly and to the best of my abilities perform the duties of the office of _______." (Amended by: Stats. November 1988.) Section 1207. Oaths and Subpoenas. Every officer and every member of any Board provided for in this Charter shall, in all matters relevant to his office, have the power to administer oaths and affirmations and to issue subpoenas to compel the production of books, papers and documents and to take testimony on any matter pending before him. If any person subpoenaed fails or refuses to appear or to produce required documents or to testify, said officer or the majority of the members of the board or commission may find him in contempt, and shall have power to take the proceedings in that behalf provided by the general law of the State. (Amended by: Stats. November 1988.) Section 1208. Violation. The violation of any provision of the Charter shall be deemed a misdemeanor and be punishable upon conviction in the manner provided by State Law, unless otherwise expressly provided for in this Charter. (Amended by: Stats. November 1988 and Stats. November 2000.) Section 1209. Previous Charter Provisions Continued. Section 91(e) added by Stats. Feb. 1959, Sections 97(f), 33(1) through 33(10), 92-½ through 96-3/4%, 100-½ through 104(c), 199(d), all the sections of Article XXVI and all the sections of Article XXVII, as the same appeared in the Charter immediately prior to the adoption of this section, are by this reference hereby continued in full force and effect, and ratified, by the adoption of this section as if the same were herein printed and set forth in full. Said sections shall be printed in the appendix to this revised Charter and shall be renumbered therein as sections of said appendix. All sections and articles of the said Charter, as the same existed immediately prior to the adoption of this section, other than the hereinabove specified sections and articles thereof which are ratified and continued in full force and effect by the adoption of this section, are hereby repealed by the adoption of this section. (Amended by: Stats. November 1988.) Section 1210. Construction and Separability. If any provision of this Charter or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of this Charter and the application of such provisions to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby. (Amended by: Stats. November 1988.) Section 1211. Effective Date. This charter shall take effect upon the filing with the Secretary of State of the concurrent resolution of its approval by the State Legislature. (Amended by: Stats. November 1988.) Section 1212. Gender References. All gender references in this Charter shall be considered neutral in form and context. (Amended by: Stats. November 1988.) Section 1213.(Repealed by: Stats. March 2004)