§ 12.04.230. Private construction of sidewalks and driveways—Removing obstructions, safety measures.  

Latest version.
  • In the private construction and/or repair of sidewalks and/or driveways, all rejected and refuse materials are to be removed immediately from the work, and all surplus materials shall be removed from the work within two days after the construction of the sidewalk is complete. All forms shall be removed in not less than twelve (12) hours or more than ten days after completion of the sidewalk. The excavation left by such removal shall be filled with earth and tamped so as to restore the excavated portion to the grade of the completed sidewalk.

    The contractor shall provide and maintain such fences and red lights as may be necessary to prevent avoidable accidents to the public.

    No material or other obstruction shall be placed within fifteen (15) feet of the fire hydrants, which must be at all times readily accessible to the Fire Department.

(Prior code § 6-1.23)