§ 12.04.010. State law adopted—Erection of barricades.
§ 12.04.020. Notice to repair dangerous conditions.
§ 12.04.030. Cost of voluntary requested repairs.
§ 12.04.040. Voluntary requested repairs—Prospective notice of lien.
§ 12.04.050. Failure to make payments.
§ 12.04.060. Mandatory repair—Prospective notice of lien.
§ 12.04.070. Grass and other obstructions.
§ 12.04.080. Obstructions generally—Loading.
§ 12.04.090. Obstructions in certain districts.
§ 12.04.100. Private contract defined.
§ 12.04.110. Private construction of sidewalks and driveways—Permit required—Construction material.
§ 12.04.120. Multiple contractor services—One permit required.
§ 12.04.130. Private construction of sidewalks and driveways—Inspection—Fee—Payment in advance.
§ 12.04.140. Sidewalk and driveway fees—Fund to which credited.
§ 12.04.150. Sidewalk and driveway construction—Obstructions.
§ 12.04.160. Sidewalk and street obstruction—Public safety.
§ 12.04.170. Responsibility for accidents.
§ 12.04.180. Sidewalk and driveway construction—Time of completion.
§ 12.04.190. Sidewalk and driveway construction—Permit forms—Conditions and requirements—Posting.
§ 12.04.200. Driveway construction—Conditions.
§ 12.04.210. Transfer of permit for private construction of sidewalks or driveways.
§ 12.04.220. Private construction of sidewalks and driveways—Compliance with permit and adopted specification.
§ 12.04.230. Private construction of sidewalks and driveways—Removing obstructions, safety measures.
§ 12.04.240. Driveway defined.
§ 12.04.250. Driveway opening defined.
§ 12.04.260. Driveway openings—Widths—Locations—Requirements in certain zones.
§ 12.04.270. Driveway openings—Widths—Locations—General requirements.
§ 12.04.280. Driveway construction.
§ 12.04.290. Driveway Appeals Board—Creation—Membership.
§ 12.04.300. Driveway Appeals Board—Powers.
§ 12.04.310. Driveway Appeals Board—Decisions appealable to Council or Planning Commission.
§ 12.04.320. Private construction of curbs and gutters—Permit required.
§ 12.04.330. Private construction of curbs and gutters—Permit contents—Time of completion.
§ 12.04.340. Private construction of curbs and gutters—Appointment and compensation of inspectors—Engineering services.
§ 12.04.350. Elimination of abandoned driveway—Power of Superintendent of Streets.
§ 12.04.360. Elimination of abandoned driveway—Notice.
§ 12.04.370. Elimination of abandoned driveways—Processing to assess costs.