§ 12.12.112. Excavation restoration requirements.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Paving restoration. In any case in which the sidewalk, street, or other public right-of-way is or is caused to be excavated, the permittee and its agent shall restore or cause to be restored such excavation in the manner prescribed by the orders, regulations, and standard plans and City specifications for complete construction and striping. Unless otherwise directed by Director of Public Works, at a minimum, trench restoration shall include the following:


    Continuous and contiguous resurfacing a constant width equal to the widest part of the excavation but not narrower than the width of the affected lane (approximately 13 feet wide); and


    Continuous and contiguous resurfacing of lane(s) over scattered excavations may be limited to 50 feet in length along the affected lane if the excavations are no more than 50 feet apart. But shall include the entire block if scattered excavations are more than 50 feet apart and if the total number of isolated excavations are eight or more; and


    Continuous and contiguous resurfacing of a lane, one-half of the length of a block, when the total longitudinal length of excavation does not exceed one-half of the length of that block; and


    Continuous and contiguous resurfacing of the entire lane along the length of a block when the total longitudinal length of excavation exceeds one-half of the length of that block; and


    Continuous and contiguous resurfacing of the intersections on a lane by lane basis and any affected quadrant over which a trench crosses the intersection.


    As an alternate to sections 1 through 4 above, trench restoration may consist of the structural pavement section for the roadway's level of service as determined by the City. If the required pavement section was less than the physical match-existing pavement required by the standard details, City may accept permittee's proposal to apply the additional effort for match-existing to be utilized for a two to four inch mill-and-overlay of the entire traffic lane.

    Trench restoration shall consist of the structural trench T-cut along the perimeter per standard details.

    If requested by the permittee, City's testing laboratory may provide pavement information using core samples to assist permittee in planning and design of trench pavement restoration. The expense for this work will be paid by the permittee.


    Backfill and replacement of base and finished pavement. Backfilling, replacement of pavement base, and finished pavement shall be performed in a manner specified by the orders, regulations, and standard plans and specifications of the City.


    At a minimum, plans for excavation shall indicate the following:


    Open excavation limit. Excavation length shall not exceed 300 feet (one City block) before starting a new excavation (next City block).


    Each excavation shall be backfilled and compacted within 72 hours from the start of work. Placement of pavement base material shall be completed within 72 hours after the excavation has been backfilled.


    Unless otherwise approved by the Director of Public Works, the final trench paving shall be completed no later than 72 hours after the installation of the pavement base material.


    Upon written request from the permittee, the Director may grant written approval for modifications to the requirements of subsection C.


    In any case where an excavation is not completed or restored in the time and manner specified in the permit, this chapter, or the orders, regulations, and standard plans and specifications of the City, the Director shall order the permittee or its agent to complete the excavation as directed. If the permittee or its agent should fail, neglect, or refuse to comply with the order, the Director may complete or cause to be completed such excavation in such manner as the Director deems expedient and appropriate. The permittee or its agent shall compensate the City for costs associated with the administration, construction, consultants, equipment, inspection, notification, remediation, repair, restoration, or any other actual costs incurred by the City or other agencies or departments of the City that were made necessary by said excavation. The cost of such work also may be deducted from permittee's deposit or drawdown account pursuant to Sections 12.12.022 and 12.12.024. The Director's determination as to the cost of any work done or repairs made shall be final. In addition, the permittee, its agent, or other responsible party may be subject to additional enforcement actions. Completion of an excavation or restoration by City shall not relieve the permittee or its agent from liability for future pavement failures at the excavation site for which the failure was caused by permittee or its contractor. Only suitable material can be considered the boundaries for pavement restoration. Suitable material shall include stable pavement sections without alligator-cracks or potholes contiguous with the proposed restoration. In an event when existing pavement material is not of suitable mating material, as determined by the City, permittee shall contact the City and meet with the Engineer to determine limits of restoration.

(Ord. No. 13300, § 1, 3-31-2015)