§ 12.16.060. Notification to permit applicants.  

Latest version.
  • When the City Engineer finds that the provisions of Sections 12.16.020 to 12.16.050 are applicable to any building or other permit application, he or she shall inform the permit applicant and property owner of such determination in writing and shall prescribe the specific requirements of these sections which he or she finds to be applicable, and shall advise the owner and applicant that any request for waivers from his or her determination must be requested in writing, be for good cause, and be filed within 30 days after notification of his or her determination. If a request for a waiver is filed, the City Engineer shall hold a hearing on such request within 30 days after receipt of such request. The City Engineer shall notify the applicant and owner of the time and place of such hearing at least ten days prior to said hearing date.

    When the City Engineer determines that conditions of terrain or existing improvements contiguous to the property involved so warrant, he or she may, based on said good cause, approve and allow variations and deviations from the requirements set forth in Section 12.16.050 as he or she determines warranted. Whenever uncertainty exists as to the proper application of the requirements of the provisions of Sections 12.16.030 through 12.16.050, the City Engineer shall determine the applicability of the requirements, consistent with the intent of these sections.

(Prior code § 6-2.195)