§ 12.36.040. Permit required.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    A protected tree may not be removed without a tree removal permit.


    A tree removal permit, if one is required, shall be authorized by the Tree Reviewer prior to the approval of any building, grading, or demolition permit application, and shall only be issued to the applicant concurrent with or subsequent to all other necessary permits pertinent to site alteration and construction.


    Tree removal permits shall be transferrable from one applicant to another applicant only upon the following conditions:


    The new applicant must meet the eligibility criteria set forth in Section 12.36.020;


    Prior to transfer, a written, notarized statement must be provided to the Tree Reviewer by the permit holding applicant and the new applicant identifying the new applicant by name, address, and telephone number, and stating the reason and effective date for the permit transfer;


    The permit holding applicant and new applicant must present proper identification to the Tree Reviewer;


    The new applicant must pay the fee established by the master fee schedule of the city for tree removal permit transfers;


    The transfer must be approved by the Tree Reviewer. Approval shall be granted, if the requirements of subsections (C)(1), (2), (3) and (4) of this section are met.


    All tree removal permits shall remain valid for one year from the date of permit issuance. An additional one year extension shall be granted upon receipt of a written request from the permit applicant by the Tree Reviewer. No tree removal permit shall remain valid for a period in excess of two years from the date of permit issuance. The applicant must pay the fee established by the master fee schedule of the city for tree removal permit extensions.

(Prior code § 7-6.04)