§ 13.08.450. Each building to have its own sanitary sewer—Exception.  

Latest version.
  • Where real property is parceled or subdivided pursuant to the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the state of California and local ordinances or codes applicable thereto, each parcel created shall have direct access for the connection of a sewer lateral to a public sewer or may have access to said public sewer through a public sanitary sewer easement for private purposes where approved in writing by the Director of Public Works.

    Exception. When additional buildings are to be placed on a parcel of land that is already being served by a building sewer and when the Director of Public Works determines that the parcel of land will not or cannot be divided into separate ownerships at a later date, then the additional buildings may be sewered by connecting them to the existing building sewer at some point within the parcel of land.

(Prior code § 6-6.280)