§ 2.20.270. City of Oakland Public Ethics Commission.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Duties: In the implementation of this ordinance, the Public Ethics Commission shall:


    Advise the City Council and the Board of Port Commissioners and provide information to other city departments and local bodies on appropriate ways in which to implement this ordinance with a priority on simple, standard procedures.


    Assist in citywide training for implementing the ordinance.


    Develop and maintain an administrative process for review and enforcement of this ordinance, among which may include the use of mediation to resolve disputes arising under this ordinance. No such administrative review process shall preclude, delay or in any way limit a person's remedies under the Brown Act or Public Records Act.


    Propose amendments to the City Council of this ordinance as needed.


    Report to the City Council on any practical or policy problems encountered in the administration of this chapter.




    Upon the conclusion of the administrative review process, as implemented pursuant to subsection (A)(3) herein, any person may institute proceedings for injunctive relief, declaratory relief, or writ of mandate in any court of competent jurisdiction to enforce his or her rights under this chapter.


    A court may award costs and reasonable attorneys' fees to the plaintiff in an action brought pursuant to this section where it is found that a local body has violated this ordinance. The costs and fees shall be paid by the local body and shall not become a personal liability of any public officer or employee of the local body.


    If the litigation is judged to be frivolous by the court, the defendant local body may assert its right to be paid reasonable court costs and attorneys' fees.




    Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any person whose request to inspect or copy public records has been denied by any local body, agency or department, may demand immediate mediation of his or her request with the Executive Director of the Public Ethics Commission, or some mutually agreed person who agrees to volunteer his or her time, serving as mediator.


    Mediation shall commence no later than ten days after the request for mediation is made, unless the mediator determines the deadline to be impracticable. The local body, agency or department shall designate a representative to participate in the mediation. Nothing shall prevent the parties from mediating any dispute by telephone.


    The mediator shall attempt to resolve the dispute to the mutual satisfaction of the parties. The mediator's recommendations shall not be binding on any party. All statements made during mediation shall not be used or considered for any purpose in any subsequent or related proceeding.


    Cure and Correction.


    Nothing in this ordinance shall prevent a local body from curing or correcting an action challenged on grounds that a local body violated any material provision of this chapter. A local body shall cure and correct an action by placing the challenged action on a subsequent meeting agenda for separate determinations of whether to cure and correct the challenged action and, if so, whether to affirm or supersede the challenged action after first taking any new public testimony.


    In the event the Public Ethics Commission, upon the conclusion of a formal hearing conducted pursuant to its General Complaint Procedures, determines that a local body violated any material provision of this chapter, or took action upon an item for which the agenda related material was not timely filed pursuant to Section 2.20.080(H), the local body shall agendize for immediate determination whether to correct and cure the violation. Any violation shall have no effect on those actions described in Government Code Section 54960.1(d)(1)-(4), inclusive.


    Reports or Recommendations From Meetings Alleged To Have Been Held In Violation of this Chapter.

    If the sole purpose or nature of an action that is challenged for violation of this chapter is to make or convey an advisory report or recommendation to another local body, such local body shall not be precluded from hearing or taking action on the item if it is within the authority or jurisdiction for said local body to hear or take action on the item in the absence of such report or recommendation.


    Limitation of Actions.

    No person may file a complaint with the Public Ethics Commission alleging violation of the notice provisions of Section 2.20.080 if he or she attended the meeting or had actual notice of the item of business at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting at which the action was taken. No person may file a complaint with the Public Ethics Commission alleging violation of the notice provisions of Section 2.20.070 if he or she attended the meeting or had actual notice of the item at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting at which the action was taken. No person may file a complaint with the Public Ethics Commission alleging the failure to permit the timely inspection or copying of a public record unless he or she has requested and participated in mediation as specified in Section 2.20.270(C).

(Ord. 12668 § 6, 2005: Ord. 12483 (part), 2003; Ord. 11957 § 00.28, 1997)