§ 2.45.190. Commissioner training.  

Latest version.
  • Within six (6) months of appointment, or as soon thereafter as possible and with the exception of the first group of Commissioners and alternates, each Commissioner and alternate shall:


    Become familiar with City Charter section 604 and with Chapters 2.45 and 2.46 of the Oakland Municipal Code.


    Receive training in basic principles of constitutional due process and administrative hearing procedures;


    Receive training in the legal requirements for maintaining the confidentiality of personnel records and other confidential documents or information;


    Receive briefing on the negotiated settlement agreement in the case of Delphine Allen, et al. v. City of Oakland, and all related court orders for so long as they remain in effect;


    Receive information regarding constitutional civil rights guaranteed to all citizens as such rights are affected by law enforcement;


    Receive training in the legal requirements of California's Political Reform Act (Cal. Gov't Code section 81000, et seq.), Oakland's Conflict of Interest Code (Oakland Municipal Code Chapter 3.16), California's Brown Act (Cal. Gov't Code section 54950, et seq.), Oakland's Sunshine Ordinance (Oakland Municipal Code Chapter 2.20), and California's Public Records Act (Cal. Gov't Code section 6250, et seq.);


    Receive training in open session in the legal requirements of California's Meyers Milias Brown Act (Cal. Gov't Code section 3500, et seq.) (MMBA), the Public Employment Relations Board's administration of the MMBA, the City's Memoranda of Understanding with the Oakland Police Officers' Association and other represented City employees, the City's Civil Service Board, and other relevant City personnel policies and procedures; and


    Receive training in open session in the legal requirements of California's Public Safety Officers Procedural Bill of Rights Act (Cal. Gov't Code section 3300, et seq.), and other California Code sections pertaining to peace officers' rights.

    The first group of Commissioners and alternates shall comply with the requirements of subsections A. through H. within twelve (12) months of their appointment.

    In addition, within twelve (12) months of appointment, or as soon thereafter as possible and with the exception of the first group of Commissioners and alternates, each Commissioner and alternate shall:

    I. Receive the training and orientation specified by section 604(c)(9) of the City Charter;


    Participate in a Department "ride-along" and attend a police academy curriculum designed for them by the Chief after consultation with the Commission. The curriculum shall be designed so that criminal background checks will not be required for attendance;


    Complete the Department's implicit bias training, and crisis intervention training;


    Complete Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Learning Domains 15 (Laws of Arrest) and 16 (Search and Seizure); and


    Receive training regarding racial equity.

    The first group of Commissioners and alternates shall comply with the requirements of subsections I. through M. within eighteen (18) months of their appointment.

    The City Administrator shall assist the Commission in scheduling and facilitating all training and orientation required by this Section and by section 604 of the City Charter. Within the Commission's budget there shall be a line item for attendance at conferences offered by organizations such as the National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement ("NACOLE").

(Ord. No. 13498, § 2, 7-10-2018)