§ 3.13.100. Duties of the public ethics commission and office of the city auditor.  

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  • A.

    The public ethics commission shall develop any and all forms necessary to carry out the provisions of the Act. The public ethics commission may, in its discretion, require any document or form to be filed in an electronic format that is provided by the public ethics commission to the candidates free of charge.


    The public ethics commission shall review records submitted to determine a candidate's eligibility to receive public financing and requests for reimbursement promptly. For any candidate determined not to be eligible for public financing, the commission or its designee shall inform the candidate of the reasons why the candidate is not eligible and what actions, if any, the candidate may take to correct any insufficiencies.


    The city auditor shall conduct mandatory post-election audits of all candidates accepting public financing. The city auditor may chose to limit the scope of any audit to the items submitted for reimbursement. The audit report shall be a public record and provided to the public ethics commission. The city auditor shall conduct all audits in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards.

(Ord. No. 13031, 7-27-2010)