§ 4.56.060. Commission on Homelessness.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The Commission on Homelessness is hereby established for citizen oversight of the Oakland vacant property tax.


    The Commission shall meet at least four (4) times per fiscal year.


    The Commission shall review relevant financial and operational reports related to the expenditure of the homeless services fund. The Commission shall publish an annual report regarding how and to what extent the City Council and Mayor have implemented this Chapter. Additionally, the Commission shall be requested to publish reports regarding the following:


    Recommendations from the Commission on how to prioritize the allocation of funds in accordance with the requirements of this Chapter , including for: services and programs for homeless people, reduction of homelessness, and supporting the provision of affordable housing to households qualifying as at least low-income households; and


    Information, if available, concerning the impacts of this Chapter on homelessness and illegal dumping outcomes in the City.

    The City Council may assign other duties to the Commission as provided for by ordinance. Within fifteen (15) days of receipt of a Commission report, the City Administrator or designee shall cause the report to be published on the City's Internet website and to be transmitted to the City Council. Any recommendations from the Commission on prioritization of funds in accordance with the requirements of this Chapter shall be approved no later than February 1 for incorporation into the City budget for the following fiscal year, and such report shall be transmitted to the Council and public for informational purposes in the budget or as an informational report at the meeting at which the City Council appropriates funds generated by the special supplemental business tax.


    The Commission shall consist of nine (9) members who are all residents of the City. No less than half of the members must be residents of heavily impacted neighborhoods. No less than two (2) members must be currently homeless, formerly homeless or low-income, as the term "low income" is defined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. No less than three (3) members must have professional expertise in, or be providers of, homeless services or housing. No less than one (1) representative must have financial expertise. Members may fulfill more than one (1) of these criteria for the purposes of meeting these requirements. City Councilmembers shall make recommendations for members to the Mayor. Members of the Commission shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council in accordance with City Charter Section 601. Members of the Commission shall receive no salary for serving.


    Members shall serve three (3) year terms, as provided for in this subsection. No member shall serve more than two (2) consecutive three (3) year terms. Of the initial members of the Commission, three (3) appointments shall be for one-year terms, three (3) appointments shall serve for two-year terms, and three (3) appointments shall be for three-year terms. Thereafter, all terms shall be for three (3) years. All terms of members shall begin as of the date that six (6) members have been appointed, which is when the Commission may begin its work. All future terms shall begin and end on that date. A quorum of the Commission shall be a majority of appointed members, but shall never be fewer than three (3) members. A member may be removed for cause pursuant to City Charter Section 601. Absence from three (3) consecutive regular meetings, or four (4) non-consecutive regular meetings during a single fiscal year, may constitute cause for removal from the Commission, in accordance with City Charter Section 601.


    The City Administrator or designee shall provide clerical assistance and administrative support and technical assistance to the Commission.

(Res. No. 87319, § 3, 7-24-2018)