§ 5.28.050. Decision—Continuing conditions.  

Latest version.
  • In the granting of an application the following conditions shall be deemed incorporated therein, in addition to any others which may be imposed as necessary and reasonable to protect life and property. A violation of any condition shall be grounds for revocation or suspension of the permit:


    That all applicable laws, and all applicable regulations, rules and orders having the effect of law, shall be complied with including, but not limited to, agencies of the federal government and of the state of California charged with the licensing, establishment, operation and maintenance of airports, heliports and helistops, their operators, and pilots of aircraft using same.


    That the permittee shall not authorize, allow or permit the use of his or her facilities by persons, firms, or corporations violating any provision of said aforementioned laws, rules, regulations or orders;


    That the surface of any such facility shall be such that no dust, dirt, or other objectionable matter will be blown on adjoining property by the users thereof;


    That, with respect to a rooftop heliport or helistop, no fueling, refueling, storage of aircraft parts or flammable liquids, or repairing, except emergency repairs, shall be permitted;


    That smoking shall be prohibited in and on the facilities, except in such areas as may be approved for such use by the Fire Marshal;


    That the permittee of any private heliport or helistop shall procure and maintain insurance covering all liability to anyone who might be killed or injured or whose property might be damaged, by reason of the negligence or nonfeasance of said permittee, his or her agents, officers or employees, in the operation of said heliport or helistop. Said insurance shall be in such limits as the City Manager shall specify. The city shall be named as an additional insured on all policies. A duplicate policy or a certificate thereof shall be filed with the City Clerk. Said insurance shall inure to the benefit of anyone killed, injured or whose property has been damaged, by the negligent operation of said facility. The policy may not be cancelled nor the amount of the coverage thereof be reduced until ten days after receipt of the City Manager of the city of a written notice of such cancellation or reduction in coverage, as evidenced by receipt of a registered letter.

(Prior code § 5-15.112)