§ 5.70.010. Admittance of press within police lines—Issuance of press cards.  

Latest version.
  • The Chief of Police is authorized to issue press cards to newsgatherers, reporters, and photographers in the actual and bona fide employment of a newspaper of general circulation as defined in Section 6000 of the Government Code, or of a telegraphic press association, or of a radio or television station engaged in the dissemination of news, for the purpose of securing their admittance within all police lines in the city.

    Applications for a press card shall be made in writing by a city editor of any newspaper of general circulation, or by an authorized representative of a telegraphic press association, or of a radio or television station engaged in the dissemination of news, on behalf of the newsgatherer, reporter, or photographer to whom the press card is to be issued, and filed with the Chief of Police. Each application must be accompanied by two recent photographs of the person to whom such press card is to be issued, of a size that may be easily attached to the press card, one of which shall be attached to the press card when issued, and the other shall be filed with the application with the Chief of Police. The photograph shall be so attached to the press card that it cannot be removed and another photograph substituted without detection.

    All press cards issued under this section shall be issued on an annual basis, expiring on the last day of December.

    A record of the issuance of such press cards shall be kept in the Office of the Chief of Police, with the date of issuance, the name of the person to whom issued and the number of the card. The Chief of Police may at any time, at his or her pleasure, revoke the privilege attached to any or all such cards. Unless revoked, the privilege attached to such cards shall automatically terminate on the date of expiration, such expiration date to be determined as hereinabove indicated.

    Such cards shall not be transferable, and it is unlawful for any person to use or have in his or her possession any such card unless the same was issued to him or her by the Chief of Police; or to use any such card after the privilege attached thereto has terminated or been revoked. It shall likewise be unlawful for any person to use any such card while such person is not in the actual and bona fide employment of a newspaper of general circulation, or telegraphic press association, or radio or television station engaged in the dissemination of news, as a newsgatherer, reporter, or photographer.

(Prior code § 2-1.821)