§ 5.81.070. Operating and performance standards.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Facilities permitted under this Chapter shall not be open to the public. The City Administrator shall establish operating and performance standards as well as administrative regulations for permittees under this Chapter. The City Administrator may set further standards for such operations and activities through administrative guidance and formal regulations. In order to maintain a permit in good standing, operators under this Chapter must meet all the operating criteria for the required pursuant to State law, the City Administrator's administrative regulations, and this Chapter. The intent of these operating and performance standards is to minimize any negative effects and enhance the benefits of permitted facilities on the surrounding community.


    The following standards shall be included in the City Administrator's regulations:


    No cannabis or cannabis odors shall be detectable by sight or smell outside of a permitted facility.


    Permitted facilities must install security cameras capable of documenting activity inside and outside the facility, as determined by the Oakland Police Department.


    Permitted facilities must implement a community beautification plan to reduce illegal dumping, littering, graffiti and blight and promote beautification of the adjacent community within fifty (50) feet of the cannabis facility.


    Permitted facilities that hire and retain formerly incarcerated Oakland residents may apply for a tax credit or license fee reduction based on criteria established by the City Administrator.


    All employees shall be paid a living wage as defined by OMC Chapter 2.28.


    Permitted facilities must implement a track and trace program as prescribed by state law that records the movement of cannabis and cannabis products in their custody and make these records available to the City Administrator upon request.


    Noncompliance of such operating standards shall constitute a breach of the permit issued hereunder and may render such permit suspended or revoked based upon the City Administrator's determination.

(Ord. No. 13504, § 3, 10-2-2018; Ord. 13464, § 4, 11-28-2017; Ord. No. 13425, § 3, 3-28-2017; Ord. No. 13371, § 3, adopted May 17, 2016)