§ 8.18.030. Noises—Exceptions.  

Latest version.
  • Nothing in Sections 8.18.010 and 8.18.020 shall apply to the playing of music by a band or the blowing of a bugle, or the announcing of any show, entertainment, or event upon the public streets for which band music, bugle blowing or privilege or announcing, the Chief of Police of the city has granted a special permit specifying the time and place when and where such music may be played or such bugle blown, or shall apply to the blowing of any whistle or horn or the ringing of any bell or other noise necessary as a vehicular or pedestrian traffic warning or signal; or to any regularly licensed peddler calling his or her wares in an ordinary tone of voice, or ringing a bell or blowing a horn of moderate size in front of the residence of any customer of such peddler for the purpose of announcing the presence of such peddler; or to any public celebration or public function on a public holiday or other public occasion generally celebrated.

(Ord. 12239 § 1, 2000: prior code § 3-1.03)