§ 8.22.460. Re-offering withdrawn units for rent.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Requirements for all re-offers of Withdrawn Units for rental pursuant to this subsection.


    The owner must provide written notice of the intention to re-offer a Withdrawn Unit to the Rent Adjustment Program not less than thirty (30) days prior to re-offering a Withdrawn Unit for rent;


    The owner must offer each Withdrawn Unit at an amount of rent not in excess of the same rent as of the date of withdrawal plus any CPI Rent Adjustments that could have applied had the Units not been withdrawn;


    Offer to former tenant.


    The owner must first offer the Withdrawn Unit for rent or lease to the tenant displaced from that unit by the withdrawal pursuant to this section, if the tenant advised the owner in writing within thirty (30) days of the displacement of the tenant's desire to consider an offer to renew the tenancy and furnished the owner with an address to which that offer is to be directed. Such tenant must advise the owner at any time during the eligibility of any change of address to which an offer is to be directed.


    If the owner again offers a Withdrawn Unit for rent pursuant to this section and the tenant advised the owner pursuant to subsection 8.22.460 A.3.a of a desire to consider an offer to consider an offer to renew the tenancy, then the owner shall offer to reinstitute a rental agreement on terms permitted by law and this section to that displaced tenant. This offer shall be deposited in the United States mail, by registered or certified mail with postage prepaid, addressed to the displaced tenant or lessee at the addressed furnished to the owner as provided in this subparagraph, and shall describe the terms of the offer. The displaced tenant shall have thirty (30) days from the deposit of the offer in the mail to accept the offer by personal delivery of that acceptance or by deposit of the acceptance in the United States mail by registered or certified mail with postage prepaid.


    Re-Offering Withdrawn Units for Rent Within Two Years of Withdrawal. In the event that the Withdrawn Units are offered again for rent or lease for residential purposes by the owner within two years from date the rental units were withdrawn from rent or lease, the following provisions shall govern:


    An owner who re-offers withdrawn rental units for residential rental within two years of the date of delivery of the Withdrawal Notices to the Rent Adjustment Program shall be liable to any tenant who was displaced from the property by the withdrawal of the units for actual and punitive damages. Any action by a tenant pursuant to this subparagraph shall be brought within three years of the date of delivery of the Withdrawal Notices to the Rent Adjustment Program. Nothing in this subparagraph precludes a tenant from pursuing any alternative remedy available under the law.


    The City Attorney may institute a civil proceeding against any owner who has again offered Withdrawn Units for rent within two years the date of delivery of the Withdrawal Notices to the Rent Adjustment Program, for exemplary damages for displacement of tenants. Any action brought by the City Attorney shall be brought within three years of the date of delivery of the Withdrawal Notices to the Rent Adjustment Program.


    Re-Offering Withdrawn Units for Rent Within Five Years of Withdrawal. For all tenancies commenced during the time periods described in subparagraphs below, the Withdrawn Units shall be offered and rented at an amount not in excess of the lawful rent in effect on the date of delivery of the Withdrawal Documents to the Rent Adjustment Program, plus any CPI Rent Adjustments available. The provisions of this paragraph apply to all tenancies commenced during either of the following time periods:


    The five-year period after the date of delivery of the Withdrawal Notices to the Rent Adjustment Program, whether or not the withdrawal is rescinded or the withdrawal of the rental units is completed pursuant to Withdrawal Notices.


    The five-year period after the units the date of delivery of the Withdrawal Notices to the Rent Adjustment Program.


    Re-Offering Withdrawn Units for Rent Within Ten Years of Withdrawal.


    An owner who offers Withdrawn Units again for rent within a period not exceeding ten (10) years the date of delivery of the Withdrawal Notices to the Rent Adjustment Program shall first offer the unit to the tenant displaced from that unit by the withdrawal, if that tenant requests the offer in writing within thirty (30) days after the owner has notified the Rent Adjustment Program of an intention to offer the Withdrawn Units again for residential rent pursuant to Subsection 8.22.460 A.


    The owner of the Withdrawn Units shall be liable to any tenant who was displaced by that action for failure to comply with this subsection for punitive damages in an amount not to exceed the contract rent for six months.


    Demolition of Withdrawn Units and Construction of New Units. If the Withdrawn Units are demolished and new residential rental units are constructed on the same property, and are offered for rent within five years of the date the Withdrawn Units were withdrawn from rent, the newly constructed residential rental units shall be subject to controls pursuant to O.M.C. Chapter 8.22, Article I on the price at which they would be offered on the basis of a fair and reasonable return on the newly constructed residential rental units, notwithstanding any exemption in O.M.C. Chapter 8.22, Article I for newly constructed units.


    Application of Withdrawal Constraints to Subsequent Owner.


    The constraints on offering Withdrawn Units again for rent or demolition of the Withdrawn Units and construction of new units apply to the owner of record when the withdrawal is initiated and any subsequent owner of the real property on which the Withdrawn Units are located.


    Ninety (90) days after filing a notice of intent to withdraw units pursuant to this section, the owner shall submit to the Rent Adjustment Program a notice that specifically describes the real property where the Withdrawn Units are located, the dates applicable to the constraints, and the name of the owner(s) of record of the real property. This notice must be signed under penalty of perjury. The Rent Adjustment Program shall record this notice with the Alameda County Recorder. The notice shall be indexed in the grantor grantee index.


    A person who acquires title to the real property subsequent to the date upon which the rental units thereon have been withdrawn from rent or lease, as a bona fide purchaser for value, shall not be a successor in interest for the purposes of this O.M.C. Article 8.22.400, if the notice prescribed by this section has not been recorded with the county recorder at least one day before the transfer of title.

(Ord. 12539 § 1 (part), 2003)