§ 9.64.020. Privacy Advisory Commission (PAC) notification and review requirements.  

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  • 1.

    PAC Notification Required Prior to City Solicitation of Funds and Proposals for Surveillance Technology.


    City staff shall notify the Chair of the Privacy Advisory Commission prior to:


    Seeking or soliciting funds for surveillance technology, including but not limited to applying for a grant; or,


    Soliciting proposals with a non-city entity to acquire, share or otherwise use surveillance technology or the information it provides.


    Upon notification by city staff, the Chair of the Privacy Advisory Commission shall place the item on the agenda at the next Privacy Advisory Commission meeting for discussion and possible action. At this meeting, city staff shall inform the Privacy Advisory Commission of the need for the funds or equipment, or shall otherwise justify the action city staff will seek Council approval for pursuant to 9.64.030. The Privacy Advisory Commission may make a recommendation to the City Council by voting its approval to proceed, object to the proposal, recommend that the city staff modify the proposal, or take no action.


    Should the Privacy Advisory Commission not make a recommendation pursuant to 9.64.020 1.B., City staff may proceed and seek Council approval of the proposed surveillance technology initiative pursuant to the requirements of Section 9.64.030.


    PAC Review Required for New Surveillance Technology Before City Council Approval.


    Prior to seeking City Council approval under Section 9.64.030, city staff shall submit a surveillance impact report and a surveillance use policy for the proposed new surveillance technology initiative to the Privacy Advisory Commission for its review at a regularly noticed meeting. The surveillance impact report and surveillance use policy must address the specific subject matter specified for such reports as defined under 9.64.010.


    The Privacy Advisory Commission shall recommend that the City Council adopt, modify, or reject the proposed surveillance use policy. If the Privacy Advisory Commission proposes that the Surveillance Use Policy be modified, the Privacy Advisory Commission shall propose such modifications to city staff. City staff shall present such modifications to City Council when seeking City Council approval under Section 9.64.030.


    Failure by the Privacy Advisory Commission to make its recommendation on the item within ninety (90) days of submission shall enable the city entity to proceed to the City Council for approval of the item.


    PAC Review Requirements for Existing Surveillance Technology Before City Council Approval.


    Prior to seeking City Council approval for existing city surveillance technology under Section 9.64.030 city staff shall submit a surveillance impact report and surveillance use policy to the Privacy Advisory Commission for its review at a regularly noticed meeting. The surveillance impact report and surveillance use policy must address the specific subject matter specified for such reports as defined under 9.64.010.


    Prior to submitting the surveillance impact report and proposed surveillance use policy as described above, city staff shall present to the Privacy Advisory Commission a list of surveillance technology possessed and/or used by the city.


    The Privacy Advisory Commission shall rank the items in order of potential impact to civil liberties.


    Within sixty (60) days of the Privacy Advisory Commission's action in 9.64.020 1.C., city staff shall submit at least one (1) surveillance impact report and proposed surveillance use policy per month to the Privacy Advisory Commission for review, beginning with the highest-ranking items as determined by the Privacy Advisory Commission, and continuing thereafter each month until a policy has been submitted for each item on the list.


    Failure by the Privacy Advisory Commission to make its recommendation on any item within ninety (90) days of submission shall enable city staff to proceed to the City Council for approval of the item pursuant to Section 9.64.030.

(Ord. No. 13489, § 2, 5-15-2018)