§ 12.04.270. Driveway openings—Widths—Locations—General requirements.  

Latest version.
  • All driveways hereinafter constructed, relocated or widened shall comply with the following conditions:


    In all commercial, industrial or special zones other than the S-12 residential parking combining zone, the driveway openings shall be not less than twelve (12) feet in width nor more than thirty-five (35) feet in width. In the S-12 zone, the provisions of Section 17.94.080 of the zoning regulations of the Oakland Planning Code shall apply.


    In residential zones, other than those combined with the S-12 residential parking combining zone, the driveway openings shall be not less than ten feet in width nor more than nineteen (19) feet in width; provided, however, a driveway opening serving two or more parcels may be twenty-nine (29) feet in width. For the special case of four-unit residential buildings, the driveway opening may be twenty-seven (27) feet in width. In the S-12 zone, the provisions of Section 17.94.080 of the zoning regulations of the Oakland Planning Code shall apply.


    Driveways serving a single parcel of property or serving any of several adjacent parcels under single ownership shall be separated by at least twenty-five (25) feet of full vertical curb, except that within the S-12 residential parking combining zone, the provisions of Section 17.94.100 of the zoning regulations of the Oakland Planning Code shall apply.


    Driveways serving separate but adjoining parcels of property under different ownerships shall be separated by at least ten feet of full vertical curb, except that within the S-12 residential parking combining zone, the provisions of Section 17.94.100 of the zoning regulations of the Oakland Planning Code shall apply.


    Driveways serving corner lots shall be so located that (1) a driveway on either street shall be at least twenty-five (25) feet from the projected curb line of the intersecting street; and (2) no part of the driveway shall extend into the curb return a distance greater than five feet.


    Driveways shall form an angle of thirty degrees or less off a line perpendicular to or radial to the street alignment, for a distance of eighteen feet behind the property line measured along the shortest side of said driveway.


    Any time a parcel of land is cleared of existing surface improvements, the driveways serving this parcel must be closed or reconstructed to conform to the conditions of this chapter.


    All driveway curb transitions shall be eighteen (18) inches with standard six-inch-high curbs.


    No driveway shall be constructed or reconstructed within thirty (30) inches of any existing obstruction in the street area.


    No driveway shall be constructed or reconstructed in such manner and at such location as, in the opinion of the Traffic Engineer, the use thereof would constitute a hazardous condition.

(Prior code §§ 6-1.243, 6-1.244)