§ 12.28.040. Tracks and pavement to be laid in accordance with approved plans.  

Latest version.
  • All car tracks to be hereafter laid by any person in the city, and all street pavement and roadway to be laid within the space required by law to be maintained by railway companies, shall be constructed according to detail plans which must be prepared by the party or parties who propose to do the work. Said plans must be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer before construction begins, and all work must be done to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and Director of Public Works/Superintendent of Streets. All existing tracks and street pavement and roadways, the design of which is not approved by the City Engineer, when removed for any other purpose than ordinary repair of roadbed, must be replaced by track or pavement conforming to the above requirements. The plans as aforesaid must show in detail a cross-section of the proposed track and pavement and roadway, and the alignment of all railway tracks must be satisfactory to the City Engineer.

    All railroad tracks and street pavement must be laid on the official grade of the street, and all existing tracks and street pavement not on official grade must be reconstructed upon the order of the City Council.

(Prior code § 6-2.30)