§ 13.08.340. Connection to public sanitary sewer required.  

Latest version.
  • Every building in which plumbing fixtures are installed and every premises having wastewater, liquid waste, or sewage piping thereon shall have connection to a public sanitary sewer or a private common sewer which has its point of discharge in a public sanitary sewer.

    Whenever a public sanitary sewer is extended to within two hundred (200) feet of any premises having a private sewage disposal system thereon, said private disposal system shall be abandoned in accordance with the requirements of this code, and the building sewer connected to the public sanitary sewer within thirty (30) days of receipt of notice from the Director of Public Works.

    Where the public sanitary sewer is in a street, alley, avenue or other public right-of-way upon which a premises abuts, the building sewer shall be installed in a direct line at right angles or radial to the centerline of right-of-way from the right-of-way line to the connection with the public sanitary sewer.

(Prior code § 6-6.230)