§ 16.36.100. Information on final and parcel maps.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to other matters required in this title, the information on the final or parcel map shall show, under the owner's certificate, the following:


    For final maps only, a statement pursuant to Section 66427.1 of the State of California Subdivision Map Act;


    A statement certifying that copies of the property report, structural pest report, and utilities/storage space/laundry facilities report, all more fully described in Section 16.36.120, were submitted along with subdivider's request for a certificate of occupancy inspection; and, if a final map, that these documents plus a copy of the notice to be given to prospective buyers, more fully described in Section 16.36.120, have been or shall be filed with the California Department of Real Estate in the subdivider's application for public report; and, if a final map, that the subdivider has requested or shall request that the above-mentioned notice to be given to prospective buyers be included in the subdivision public report;


    A statement certifying that the Director of City Planning and each tenant in the building to be converted has received or will receive a notice of final or parcel map approval and, for buildings with five or more units, a notice of subdivision public report application as set forth in subsections (B)(3) and (B)(4) of Section 16.36.040;


    A statement certifying that the Director of City Planning and each tenant in the building to be converted will receive the notice of subdivision public report or notice of start of sales program as set forth in Section 16.36.110;


    For tentative map or tentative parcel map approvals involving conversion rights, a statement certifying, in conformity with Section 16.36.070, that no unit in the conversion will be offered for sale until a certificate of occupancy will have been issued on those project(s) generating conversion rights;


    For tentative map approvals involving conversion rights, a statement certifying, in conformity with Section 16.36.070, that the California Department of Real Estate has been or will be requested not to issue the final subdivision public report until so notified in writing by the subdivider, such request to include written approval of the Director of City Planning to the issuance of said report;


    A statement certifying, in conformity with Section 16.36.130, that no unit in the conversion will be offered for sale until the unit conforms to the noise insulation standards promulgated in Title 25 of the California Administrative Code, Section 1092, or its successor;


    A statement certifying that informational reports will be submitted to the City Planning Director as required by and set forth in Section 16.36.140.

    No final or parcel map shall be approved until the above requirements have been met.

(Prior code § 7-7.10)