§ 5.30.080. Driver's permit to operate a public motor vehicle.  

Latest version.
  • It is unlawful for any driver to operate any public motor vehicle in the city unless there exists a valid permit so to do as herein provided. Application for such driver's permit shall be made to the Chief of Police, shall be in writing and in duplicate, and the original thereof shall be duly acknowledged before some person lawfully authorized to administer oaths. Such original shall be forthwith transmitted by the Chief of Police to the City Clerk. Said application shall set forth the name, age and address of the applicant, his or her past experience in operating automobiles, the names and addresses of his or her employers during the preceding period of three years, whether or not a chauffeur's license issued to him or her by the state of California or any state or governmental agency has ever been revoked, the name and address of the owner by whom he or she is to be employed as a driver (which said owner shall endorse the said application), and such additional information as the Chief of Police may require.

(Prior code § 5-14.05)