§ 5.42.020. Regulations.  

Latest version.
  • It is unlawful for any person to operate or maintain, or cause or permit to be operated or maintained, any miniature golf course referred to in Section 5.42.010 between the hours of one-thirty a.m. and seven a.m., or to permit any lights or other illumination thereof to be on during said hours, or any work to be done on such course during said hours, if such golf course is located within two hundred fifty (250) feet of any residence, apartment house, flat, hotel or other dwelling which is occupied during the night, or for any such person to permit the electric lights or other illumination of such golf course to be so arranged or constructed as to permit a glare of light to be thrown directly upon any window of any such place of dwelling which is occupied during the night, or for any such person to play, or cause or permit to be played, any piano or other musical instrument, or any radio or phonograph, or any voice or sound amplifier, so that the same is audible in any such place of dwelling between the hours of ten p.m. and seven a.m. next ensuing; provided, however, that the provisions in this section contained requiring all lights to be extinguished and that no work be done during certain hours of the night shall not apply to such golf courses as may be housed in buildings constructed in accordance with the building requirements of the city applicable to places of public assemblage.

(Prior code § 5-4.15)