§ 5.52.090. Badges.  

Latest version.
  • It is unlawful for any person to wear or display, or cause to be worn or displayed, any badge or insignia similar in design to that used by the Oakland Police or Fire Departments, and no badge or insignia of any design shall be worn, displayed, or used in any manner unless the same has first been approved by the Chief of Police. Any badge or insignia worn by a private watchman or by a private security officer shall have imprinted thereon, in letters of a size approved by the Chief of Police, the name of the employer of the private watchman, or the name of the private patrol service by whom the private security officer is employed, as the case may be. In addition to such name, there may be imprinted thereon words such as "private security officer," "private watchman," "watchman," or "guard."

(Prior code § 5-11.09)