§ 5.81.030. Business permit and application required.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Except for hospitals and research facilities that obtain written permission for cannabis cultivation under federal law, it is unlawful to cultivate, distribute, manufacture, test or transport without a valid business permit issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. Possession of other types of State or City permits or licenses does not exempt an applicant from the requirement of obtaining a permit under this chapter.


    The City Administrator shall issue, as detailed below, special business permits forcannabis cultivation, distributing, manufacturing, testing and transporting. All General Applicants shall pay any necessary fees including without limitation application fees, inspection fees and regulatory fees that may be required hereunder.


    All cultivation, distribution, manufacturing, testing and transporting permits shall be special business permits and shall be issued for a term of one year. No property interest, vested right, or entitlement to receive a future license to operate a cannabis business shall ever inure to the benefit of such permit holder.


    Cultivation, distribution, manufacturing, testing, and transporting permits shall only be granted to entities operating legally according to State law.


    More than one cannabis operator may situate on a single parcel of land, however, each operator will be required to obtain a permit for their applicable permit category.


    No proposed use under this Chapter shall be located within a six hundred (600) feet of any public or private school providing instruction in kindergarten or grades one (1) to twelve (12), inclusive (but not including any private school in which education is primarily conducted in private homes) unless the school moved into the area after the cannabis use was issued a permit under this Chapter. The distance between facilities shall be measured via path of travel from the closest door of one (1) facility to the closest door of the other facility.


    An applicant for a permit under this chapter shall not be disqualified from receiving a permit on the ground that the applicant also operates or intends to operate in an additional cannabis related field, such as a dispensary.

(Ord. No. 13504, § 3, 10-2-2018; Ord. 13464, § 3, 11-28-2017; Ord. No. 13425, § 3, 3-28-2017; Ord. No. 13371, § 3, adopted May 17, 2016)

Editor's note

Ord. No. 13425, § 3, adopted March 28, 2017, changed the title of section 5.81.030 from "Permit required" to "Business permit and application required." The historical notation has been preserved for reference purposes.