§ 5.64.040. Fleet management permit.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    It is unlawful for any person, partnership, cooperative, corporation, firm, or association to engage in the business of operating or managing a taxicab company, fleet, or taxi service in the City without first obtaining a fleet management permit as specified by this section.


    Application for a fleet management permit shall be filed with the City Administrator. The form and contents of such application shall be specified by the City Administrator; however, the following shall constitute the minimum requirements to qualify for a fleet management permit:


    Proof that the fleet management permit applicant has insurance which satisfies the requirements of Section 5.64.090 and which is adequate to cover all vehicles permitted under the name and vehicle colors for which the applicant is responsible;


    Designation of a manager to whom all correspondence and official notices may be directed and who is authorized to and is responsible for the conduct of all business with City officials charged with enforcing the provisions of this chapter. The fleet manager is subject to the approval of the City Administrator and shall be subject to the same requirements as permit holders under Subsections 5.64.080 E. and F.;


    Disclosure of the names, residence, and business addresses of the designated manager, all directors, officers, partners, and associates directly or indirectly holding a financial interest in the applicant and the proposed fleet management permit. A copy of the current, valid fictitious business name certificate under which the applicant does, or intends to do, business;


    A complete description of the fleet's proposed operations, including, for all fleets consisting of more than five vehicles, a radio-dispatching service provided either by the applicant or another party under contract, including all licenses for the operation of all radios whether directly or by contract. Failure to operate according to the proposed terms shall be considered a violation of this chapter;


    In lieu of a dispatch radio system, the City Administrator's designee may accept an alternative method for dispatching vehicles if a fleet manager can provide a suitable communications system alternative to radios. Such system must be approved for use by the City Administrator's designee before implementation.


    Authorization from the City Administrator to use a proposed color scheme for each vehicle in the fleet;


    Proof that the fleet's operations are conducted in conformance with zoning laws;


    A list of all vehicle permits that the fleet management permittee will manage.


    Fleet management permittees are required to maintain for a period of not less than one year all records pertaining to the fleet manager's operation and management, including but not limited to all waybills completed by drivers or alternative waybill information approved in advance by the City Administrator, all dispatch logs for fleets consisting of more than five vehicles, all vehicle inspection records, driver training records, passenger complaints, citation records, leasing records, and insurance records. Fleet managers shall make available for inspection, Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., all such records. Fleet managers shall take reasonable efforts to ensure the completeness and accuracy of all records. Any records which are determined to be inadequate, inaccurate or any request which is not complied with may result in the suspension or revocation of the fleet management permit pursuant to Section 5.64.080.


    Fleet management permittees shall be responsible for all aspects of the fleet management and day-to-day management operations, including but not limited to drivers and vehicles operated under the fleet management permit. Any violation of any provision of this chapter by a driver or vehicle may be grounds for suspension or revocation of the fleet management permit pursuant to Section 5.64.080, and any violation by a driver or vehicle may also be imputed to the fleet management permittee for the purposes of prosecution of violations pursuant to Section 5.64.135.


    Fleet managers shall provide to drivers receipts for all fees collected from said drivers.


    Upon driver request, fleet managers shall provide all information and documentation on insurance claims filed or processed for accidents and/or other vehicle damage in which said driver was involved.


    The City Administrator may deny the granting of any fleet management permit if the applicant has been convicted of any crime, taking into consideration the nature and circumstance of the conviction, the age of the applicant at the time of conviction, the time elapsed since the conviction, and any evidence of rehabilitation.


    Fleet management permits issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be effective for the calendar year for which the permit is issued only. All fleet management permits shall expire on December 31st of the year for which the permit is issued. Fleet management permits must be renewed annually by the fleet management permittee by submitting a completed application with required documents as set forth in this section no later than November 15th.


    Any person, partnership, cooperative, corporation, firm, or association in receipt of a fleet management permit shall designate one person as the fleet manager. The fleet manager shall be jointly and severally liable with the fleet management permittee for all acts and omissions arising from the operation of the fleet.


    Fleets consisting of ten or more vehicles shall provide taxi coverage to all parts of the City 24 hours per day, seven days per week. The City Administrator shall divide the City into geographic areas and determine the required level of coverage for each area and time of day. In establishing these requirements the City Administrator, or authorized designee, shall consider the number of vehicle permits managed by each fleet and shall assign the required coverage levels proportionately.

    As part of the annual renewal process, fleet managers of fleets consisting of ten or more vehicles shall submit a plan for meeting the required level of coverage, as determined by the City Administrator. Fleet managers shall maintain records demonstrating compliance with the coverage plan including but not limited to daily records for each permitted vehicle in the fleet showing the name of the driver(s), the time of day and the geographic area serviced by each vehicle. These records shall be maintained by the fleet management company for at least one year and shall be submitted to the City on a quarterly basis in January, April, July and October of each year.

    Failure to operate the fleet according to the coverage plan, maintain accurate records of actual operation of each permitted vehicle in the fleet, or submit timely quarterly reports shall be a violation of this chapter and shall constitute a basis for revocation of the fleet management permit and/or any vehicle permits under the ownership, possession or control of the fleet management company.

(Ord. No. 13161, § 4, 5-21-2013)