§ 5.36.010. Statement of legislative policy.
§ 5.36.020. Definitions.
§ 5.36.030. Exemptions.
§ 5.36.040. Fees.
§ 5.36.050. Not transferable.
§ 5.36.060. Schools of massage.
§ 5.36.070. Home occupation solo practitioners.
§ 5.36.080. Permits required—Massage Establishments.
§ 5.36.090. Application contents—Massage establishment.
§ 5.36.100. Minimum requirements—Massage establishment permit.
§ 5.36.110. Applicability to existing massage establishments.
§ 5.36.120. Permit contents—Massage establishments.
§ 5.36.130. Permit to be exhibited—Massage establishment.
§ 5.36.140. Duration and renewal of permits—Massage establishment.
§ 5.36.150. Responsibility of owner(s).
§ 5.36.160. Operating requirements—Massage establishments.
§ 5.36.170. Enforcement—Inspection of massage establishment.
§ 5.36.180. Permits required—Massage therapists.
§ 5.36.190. Minimum requirements—Massage therapist permit.
§ 5.36.200. Massage therapist trainee permits.
§ 5.36.210. Permit application contents—Massage therapists, massage therapist trainees and home occupation solo practitioners.
§ 5.36.220. Applicability to existing massage therapist permits.
§ 5.36.230. Contents of permits—Massage therapists and massage therapist trainees.
§ 5.36.240. Duration and renewal of permits—Massage therapists and massage therapist trainees.
§ 5.36.250. Operating requirements—Massage therapist and massage therapist trainees.
§ 5.36.260. Application review process.
§ 5.36.270. Permit issuance and conditions.
§ 5.36.280. Violations.
§ 5.36.290. Prohibited massage areas.
§ 5.36.300. Process and grounds for revocation and suspension.
§ 5.36.310. Appeals.